Articles from the June 5, 2024 edition

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  • Signal Peak Foundation

    Jun 5, 2024

    At the May 6th meeting of the Signal Peak Community Foundation Board the board approved 7 applications for grants for a total of $121,896.38. The Melstone Volunteer Fire Department was awarded $16,000. for a battery operated "Jaws of Life" piece of equipment. This new battery operated device would allow portability and ease of operation in remote locations. The ambulance crew would also be able to use this device. Marketplace for kids was awarded $2,500. for supplies and signage. This is an Educational program that provides early insights into...

  • Rep. Rosendale Attacks ATF Rule Forcing Montana Gun Show Closure

    Jun 5, 2024

    Congressman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) released the following statement after a gun show in Hamilton, Montana was canceled last weekend due to a new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) Rule that fundamentally changes and drastically complicates the way firearms are sold in the United States. This rule which was published on April 19th, 2024, has the potential to shut down countless more gun shows throughout the country and can potentially destroy the gun show industry. “The Second Amendment is an ironclad promise to A...

  • Melstone's Michael Bergin Receiving the Masonic Lodge Scholarship

    Jun 5, 2024

  • Seen Around Town

    Norma Trent|Jun 5, 2024

    As we finally get some good weather and get out into nature, are you aware of this new requirement? Last year's Montana Legislative Session saw many bills signed by Governor Gianforte. One bill was House Bill #521. Beginning July of 2023, everyone and anyone who recreates on state lands will be required to purchase a Montana Conservation License to access many sites previously open with few restrictions to the public. That includes people launching a boat, enjoying a hike, bird watching,...

  • The Future of Homes On The Range Could Be New Building

    Jun 5, 2024

    Homes on the Range is a fifty unit apartment complex that has been the home to senior and disabled residents since 1977. Within the past year, the board of directors of the Musselshell County Housing Authority, along with Snowy Mountain Development, Mayor Jones, Tamarack Property Management Company, and the County Commissioners, have been in discussions concerning the possibility of construction of a new complex on the same property at 902 3rd Street East in Roundup. The Homes on the Range is a HUD property. Tonya Garber of Snowy Mountain...

  • Lavina Public School is Looking to Replace the Message Board Outside the School on First Street East with an Electronic Message Board

    Jun 5, 2024

    Lavina Public School Receives $10,000 Challenge Gift From Stockman Bank. The Lavina Public School is pleased to announce it has received a $10,000 challenge donation from Stockman Bank in support of an electronic message center. Stockman will match all donations up to a total of $10,000. Stockman Bank will match donations, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $10,000 through June 30, 2024. Matching contributions can be made by mail to Lavina Public School, 214 1st Street East, Lavina, MT 59046 or dropped off at the school. Stockman Bank is Monta...

  • Update With the Commissioners

    Lura Pitman|Jun 5, 2024

    I recently had a chat with the County Commissioners, Bob Pancratz, Mike Goffena, and Michael Turley. The following are some of the current events. Homes on the Range - The low-income housing has long needed a remodel, and has become almost beyond repair. One apartment is so bad that it has not been able to be rented for years, leaving it unavailable for local housing. The commissioners state that due to asbestos, a poor and shifted foundation, and many other structural problems, the hope is for a new building all together. The county does not...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 5, 2024

    As you read this editorial thousands of illegals from different parts of the world are entering our country via the Biden open border.These invaders are really becoming problematic in many ways. They are destroying our southern border environment, polluting rivers and streams, leaving their trash behind their tracks illegally crossing the border, bring in dangerous drugs that are killing Americans, demanding: freebies" that has taken we U.S. citizens generations ro build up for our own comforts, are taking over Baseball parks and soccer fields...

  • FBI's Deadly Force Policy on President Trump Smells Really Bad

    Harold Pease PhD|Jun 5, 2024

    Newly released court documents forced out of the Department of Justice largely by America First Legal reveal unacceptable details about the FBI’s raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Aug. 8, 2022. Many conservatives believe it was a failed attempt by Deep State leaders Joe Biden and Merrick Garland to endanger Donald J. Trump, his family and the U.S.Secret Service (USSS) in a potential line of fire should the raid go awry. According to the filing, “The DOJ and FBI agents planned to bring standard issue weapons, MO, handcuffs and medium and large...

  • From The Musselshell County Sheriff's Office

    Jun 5, 2024

    5/19/24 06:18:16 Medical 05/19/24 07:55:12 Info 05/19/24 11:20:08 Medical 05/19/24 11:24:11 Assault 05/19/24 11:32:31 Alarm 05/19/24 12:06:20 Criminal 05/19/24 12:33:25 Theft 05/19/24 13:18:09 Medical 05/19/24 16:32:43 Medical 05/19/24 18:47:55 911 Hang Up 05/19/24 19:04:37 911 - No 05/19/24 19:31:41 Criminal 05/19/24 20:38:12 Duplicate Call 05/19/24 21:06:57 911 - No 05/19/24 21:20:59 Traffic 05/19/24 21:31:00 Duplicate Call 05/20/24 07:02:57 Animal 05/20/24 08:06:44 Animal 05/20/24 09:40:13 Coroner 05/20/24 11:42:43 Traffic 05/20/24...

  • We will soon see the impacts of Democrats' new legislative maps

    Jun 5, 2024

    By: Sen. Jason Ellsworth With Primary Election Day rapidly approaching, we will soon start to see the impacts of the legislative districts map drawn by Democrats. First, let's look at how we got the districts that are brand new for this year's election. The Montana Districting Commission, which draws the maps, is made up of five members. Two each are appointed by Republicans and Democrats. If those four can't agree on the fifth member (which they almost never do), then the Montana Supreme Court appoints the final person. The Court first...

  • Gov. Gianforte: Taxpayers Should Not Fund Elective Abortions

    Jun 5, 2024

    HELENA, Mont. – Governor Greg Gianforte today issued the following statement after a more than a year of litigation surrounding the injunction of a Montana law which banned the use of taxpayer funds for elective abortions: “Our law to prevent taxpayer dollars from funding elective abortions has been on hold for more than a year. For nearly 50 years, Congress has banned the use of federal taxpayer dollars for elective abortions, a position supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans. In 2023, I signed into law a commonsense measure to...

  • Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council Recruits for Open Positions Applications and nominations due June 31, 2024

    Jun 5, 2024

    HELENA, Mont. – The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) is currently recruiting for open positions on its Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council (NWMAC). The following council terms expire June 30, 2024: · Recreationist / Wildlife Group Representative · Noxious Weed Free Materials Representative · Montana Weed Control Association Representative · Eastern County Weed District Representative · At-Large Member · Herbicide Dealer or Applicator Representative The advisory council is appointed by the Montana Department of Agriculture Directo...

  • Firecracker Casserole

    Jun 5, 2024

    TOTAL TIME: Prep: 15 min. Bake: 25 min. YIELD: 8 servings. My husband and I love this southwestern-style firecracker casserole. The flavor reminds us of enchiladas, but the recipe doesn't require the extra time to roll them up. —Teressa Eastman, El Dorado, Kansas Ingredients 2 pounds ground beef 1 medium onion, chopped 1 can (15 ounces) black beans, rinsed and drained 1 to 2 tablespoons chili powder 2 to 3 teaspoons ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 flour tortillas (6 inches) 1 can (10-3/4 ounces...