Articles from the September 16, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 29

  • The End of an Era at the Lazy JC

    Lura Pitman|Sep 16, 2020

    Since September of 1985, for thirty-five years, the Lazy JC Hardware store in Melstone has been in continuous ownership by the Coles family. This September is the End of an Era. The small-town store has been sold, and the new owner will be changing the name to The Melstone Mercantile. When Ben and Anne Coles bought the antique hardware store in 1985, the young couple already had six children ages 13 to 3, in tow. They pulled into the yard the last day of that September, and took over the store...


    Sep 16, 2020

    Applications for grants from the Signal Peak Community Foundation are being accepted until September 20, 2020. Grants are awarded in October to non-profit organizations located in Musselshell County. The Board’s general guidelines for applications are: - Emphasis on infrastructure-related projects - Preference for projects where sponsoring organization cover part of the project costs - Preference against operating costs or personnel - Grant funds to be spent locally if possible The Signal Peak Community Foundation was established in 2011 and h...

  • Upcoming Political Debates

    The Roundup Record Tribune & Winnett Times will be sponsoring two political debates during the month of October 2020. On Friday October 2, 2020, starting 6:00 to 7:00 P.M. a debate between incumbent, Independent Musselshell County Commissioner Nicole Borner and Republican Robert Pancratz will take place at a location to be designated. Then, Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 6:00 to 7:00 P.M., House District 40 Republican Representative Barry Usher will face Democratic challenger Dr. Kris Spanijan...

  • Roundup Memorial Healthcare Recognized for Improvement in Patient Care

    Sep 16, 2020

    Roundup Memorial Healthcare was recently awarded the Montana Rural Healthcare Performance Improvement Network’s Quality Improvement Award for its work on Improving Timely Response to Call Buttons. The Montana Rural Healthcare Performance Improvement Network (PIN) is a voluntary membership of 48 critical access hospitals throughout the state. Through this Network, member hospitals are able to benchmark their performance with their peers on a variety of financial, utilization and direct patient care measures that encourage safe, effective, p...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 16, 2020

    Dear Editor, First, I wish to thank you for the series of articles on County government. It’s informative to read the spectrum of events, perspectives, and opinions. It seems to me that from the time we moved here, 2002, there frequently has been confusion about what, in most places, is a simple process, county government. A mystery early in our experience, as I recall, was the disappearance of a quarter of a million dollars reserved for a truck of some sort, and no one had a clue about the fate of that fortune; POOF! It’s gone! Wonder whe...


    Sep 16, 2020

    Governor Bullock issued a DIRECTIVE not a mandate! NO NADA any state governor can make a law. Do you really think,that a two dollar mask will keep you from getting a virus? How many virus have you had in your lifetime and got well from? Chinese virus has a 98% RECOVERY RATE...what are you afraid of? What you should be worried about is the November 3,election. Progressive Liberals are denying your right to vote in person brain washing you over a political virus. My God people get a hold of your senses will you? Shove this ,mask directive once...

  • Rosendale will change Washington

    Sep 16, 2020

    So many politicians go to Washington and are happy to go along to get along—as long as they can continue to cash in at the taxpayer’s expense. That is not Matt Rosendale. You see, Matt is a businessman, not a career politician. That’s why as state auditor, he cut the operating expenses of his own agency by 23%, and refused a taxpayer-funded pay raise every single year. Matt Rosendale believes in the founders’ vision of citizen service, that’s why he wants to send career politicians packing by instituting term limits for members of Congress....

  • Montana Contractors Association Strongly Opposes Recreational Marijuana Initiative

    Sep 16, 2020

    The Montana Contractors’ Association has announced it is adamantly opposed to Initiative 190, the legalization of recreational marijuana. “Contractors preach safety in every aspect of our work,” said MCA President Bob Warren. “The results that have played out in other states clearly show that safety and work ethic are compromised. We won’t stand for that.” Warren cites data from Smart Approaches to Marijuana: • A 2014 survey showed that 10% of Americans admit to having gone to work stoned. • Marijuana users have significantly lower levels of...


    Sep 16, 2020

    Not today for me. I’ve been feeling and seeing this as stated below for quite some time. Today I woke up and realized that everything is about to change. No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, something evil has invaded our nation, and our lives are never going to be the same. I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends. I look at people I have known all my life so filled with hate that they will agree with opinions that if they were in their right minds they would never express as their own. It's absolutely u...

  • The Miracle of the U.S. Constitution

    Harold Pease PhD|Sep 16, 2020

    Constitution Day, September 17, the day Americans celebrate the signing of the Constitution which was then sent to the states for ratification, is almost here. The numerous attacks on it, it’s founders, and the anarchy in our big cities today should give us cause to reflect upon what a gift it was/is to mankind. For nearly six thousand years of recorded history governments best described as regimental in nature have dominated man. Only for a few fleeting moments in the past has individual man had anything to say concerning the restrictions p...

  • September 24th Blood Drive

    Sep 16, 2020

    BILLINGS, Mont. – The Roundup Community Blood Drive is scheduled Thursday, September 24h from 12p-6p at the Musselshell County Emergency Operations Center. The Roundup Community Blood Drive is an integral part of Vitalant Montana. In 2019 your community alone donated over 218 units of blood to help maintain the community blood supply. During the spring and beginning of summer Vitalant often sees a dip in donations due to the cold/flu season. The demand for blood is still there. Communities need blood every day for cancer treatments, s...

  • MSU Graduate Places in National Economics Competition

    Sep 16, 2020

    By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service BOZEMAN — A recent Montana State University graduate placed second in a national agricultural economics competition last month, the first MSU student to place in the program’s top three. Molly DelCurto, who earned her master’s in applied economics from the College of Agriculture’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics this spring, was the runner-up in the Agriculture and Applied Economics Association’s Graduate Student Extension Competition. The competition asks graduate students to develop p...

  • Musselshell County Commission Agenda

    Sep 16, 2020

    Commissioner September 14, 2020 Agenda 8:30 Call to order. Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Agenda Approval of minutes Commissioner Board information Old business Extension Office repairs Deed for the Melstone property. New County website Storage for Courthouse Departments Groundwater Monitoring/Farmers Union New Business COVID-19 reimbursement money. FWP lease agreement Grants Rural Development/Commons sidewalks Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program (ORLP) 9:00 INTERSTATE ENGINEERING 9:30 Road East District Open cut DEQ application...

  • Have You Heard About KQLJ?

    Sep 16, 2020

    Roundup is lucky to have a local Christian radio station. KQLJ 105.5 FM Roundup Christian Broadcasting is a low power FM station on 24 hours a day with family programming from 3ABN. It also on the emergency broadcasting network for this area. The ‘3 Angels Broadcasting Network’ offers a variety of programs based on the Bible. Devotionals, bible lessons, children’s stories, health talks, all are programmed for your pleasure. Once a week we have a local program, “Let’s Talk About That”. From 4 PM to 4:30 PM every Monday, the lovely ladies of t...

  • RSVP News & Notes

    Sep 16, 2020

    RSVP is Seeking New Advisory Board Members.. RSVP Advisory Board meets on the 2nd Friday of each month for approximately 1 hour. We usually hold these meetings at the RSVP office in Roundup between noon and 1pm. The Advisory Board assists RSVP with our roll in the communities we serve. Depending on local community circumstances, some of the items the RSVP Advisory Board group will do: • Assist in assessing community needs • Support the development of a service ethic in the community • Advise on volunteer recruitment, retention and recog...

  • Fraud Alert: Scammers Claiming to be with DOJ, Preying on Elderly

    Sep 16, 2020

    BILLINGS — The Department of Justice is advising the public of an imposter scam in which persons claiming to represent the department are calling individuals and appear to be targeting the elderly. The Office of Justice Programs’ Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) has received multiple reports of the imposter scam, and the DOJ strongly encourages the public to remain vigilant and not to provide personal information during these calls. Reports to the National Elder Fraud Hotline indicate these scammers falsely represent themselves as Dep...

  • Musselshell Unity Drive

    Sep 16, 2020

    The Musselshell Unity Drive is coming in October. Be thinking now about contributing to a worthy cause. All contributions are tax deductible. The Musselshell County Food Bank provides an emergency three to five day food supply for needy people in our county. This service is provided to all age groups regardless of race, gender or creed. During these trying times, access to food is more critical than ever before. Your contribution will help those less fortunate. Musselshell County Council On Aging provides seniors and disabled persons with...

  • Musselshell County Commission Minutes

    Sep 16, 2020

    Commissioners August 24, 2020 Minutes The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Goffena was present. Mike Turley was present for observation for the day. Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Goffena made a motion to approve the agenda for the day as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the August 17, 2020 minutes as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. Clerk & Recorder Tomassi met with the Commissioners to go over a...

  • Crop Insurance Deadline Nears in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming

    Sep 16, 2020

    BILLINGS, Mont., Sept. 4, 2020 — USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) reminds producers of fall-planted crops in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming to apply for crop insurance coverage for the 2021 crop year before the September 30 sales closing date. Current policyholders who wish to make changes to their existing coverage also have until the September 30 sales closing date to do so. The September 30 sales closing date applies to the following crops and states: • Fall Planted Wheat with Winter Coverage - Montana, South Dakot...

  • Sports

    Sep 16, 2020

    Sports this week in photos....

  • Musselshell County Court Report

    Sep 16, 2020

    Musselshell County Justice Court Merfeld, Zebulun, Driving without a valid drivers license, Fines: $200 and Costs: $35 and Obstructing a peace officer, Fines: $260 and Costs: $75 and 8 days in jail Siewert, Paul Edward, Criminal Trespass, Fines: $100 and Costs: $85 Hoschouer, Elizabeth Margaret, Out of Jurisdiction arrest warrant, Transferred to another Court Hoschouer, Elizabeth Margaret, Out of Jurisdiction arrest warrant, Transferred to another Court Ellsworth, Autumn Fae, Out of Jurisdiction arrest warrant, Transferred to another Court...

  • Drainpipe Cause of New Zealand Mudsnails at FWP Fish Hatchery

    Sep 16, 2020

    Since New Zealand mudsnails were detected at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ Bluewater Fish Hatchery Tuesday, Aug. 18, the department continues to look at whether infected fish were stocked at lakes or reservoirs and what led to the infestation. The Bluewater Fish Hatchery, located near Bridger in southcentral Montana, is a trout hatchery and is the third largest production facility in the state. This is the first time New Zealand Mudnsails (NZM) have been found at an FWP hatchery. The likely cause of the infestation is a drainpipe from the h...

  • FSA Disaster Programs Notice of Loss Requirements

    Sep 16, 2020

    It’s important for agricultural producers to report losses immediately as all disaster programs are dependent on the timely reporting of the loss. A notice of loss can be filed with USDA Farm Service Agency via phone, email, fax or office visit. • ELAP – Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program: Starting in 2020, producers will have 15 days from when the loss is first apparent, instead of 30 days, to file a honeybee notice of loss. This change provides consistency between ELAP and the Noninsured Crop Disas...

  • Roundup City Court

    Sep 16, 2020

    Roundup City Court August 1-31, 2020 Merfeld, Zebulan Shea, Revocation of suspended sentence, jail 13 days Mehrer, Denton Andrew Scott, operating without liability insurance, Fines: $510 AND Costs: $25 and Habitual offender operating motor vehicle, Fines: $1000 and Costs: $35 and 14 days in jail Murtha, Neva Dawn, Driving under the influence, Fines: $600 and Costs: $85 and 1 day in jail Alvillar, Cameron Lee, Fail to carry proof of insurance, Fines: $250 and Costs: $35 and Driving a motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended, Fines:...

  • Attorney General William P. Barr And Acting Administrator Timothy J. Shea Announce Results of Operation Crystal Shield

    Sep 16, 2020

    Nearly 29,000 pounds of methamphetamine seized by DEA before reaching streets, including Montana's, across the country WASHINGTON – Today, Attorney General William P. Barr and Drug Enforcement Administration Acting Administrator Timothy J. Shea announced the results of Operation Crystal Shield, a DEA–led effort targeting the command and control elements of Mexican cartels that operate major methamphetamine “transportation hubs” throughout the United States. At a press conference in Phoenix, Arizona, Attorney General Barr and Acting Adminis...

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