A Huge Thank You From RIDE

This past July 4-7th, the Roundup Independence Day’s Extravaganza (RIDE) celebrated it’s 15th annual event, and with the

help of our sponsors, volunteers, donors, vendors, and the people who came out to support us, we would like to thank you for making this year our biggest one yet. An estimated crowd of well over 4,000 attended all of the shows and events. RIDE is a labor of love, but without a lot of help from great folks and businesses, it would not be a sustainable endeavor. We sincerely hope that we left no one out.

Below is a list of people, busi-

Agri Industries/Valley

Allstate Foundation

Al’s Mini Storage


Angel-Lind Dairy Inc.

Archie Cochran Ford

Autumn’s Inn Motel

Big M Realty

Big Sky Motel

BighAorn Signs

Bill & Dana Milton

Bill & Mary Lynn Edwards

Boyd Mildred

Briggs Dsitributing

Busy Bee Cafe

“C” Brewer

Chad Sealey

Chuck & Irene Carson

City of Roundup


Cody & Jessica Samuelson

Connoisseur Media

COP Construction

Council on Aging

Current Creek Angus Ranch

Dave Bergeson

Dennis & Deb Anderson

DiA Events

Eliasson Electric

Elite Dental

Fawcett Construction

First American Title

Gary & Phyllis Eliasson

Gebhardt Post Plant & Sawmill

Great West Engineering

Greg Eiselein Fine Art

Hanson Chemical

Harold Anderson & A&A Impl.

Homes on the Range

Horses Plus

Jerry & Emma Fraser

Jim McSwain

John Kangus

Key Insurance

KGHL Radio

Kids Kountry Volunteers

KLMB Radio Panther 99.9fm

Lowell & Kathleen Graham

Lulu Morgan

Mark Rosebush

McCleary’s Conoco

McCleary Distributing

Midgie Luce

Mid-Rivers Communication

Mildred Boyd

Mitch & Doreen Rech

Montana Poor Boys


Monty Sealey

Musselshell County Ambulance


Musselshell County Sheriff’s


Musselshell Valley Community


Musselshell Valley Equipment

Musselshell Valley VFW Post


Northwest Farm Credit Services

Paul Thompson


Parade Volunteers & Bette Ross

Peter Yegen Jr. Insurance

Picchioni’s IGA

Progressive Community Club

Raymond Thompson

Roundup Ridge Riders

RSVP Volunteers

Richard Allen

Richard & Andrea Durgin

Richard Potter

Rick Griffith

Ron Heckt

Ross Ranch

Roundup Basketball Team &

Roundup Chamber of


Roundup Elementary School

Roundup Herald

Roundup High School BPA

Roundup Record Tribune

Roundup Rodeo

Roundup Skylighters

Silvertip Propane

Southeast Montana Tourism

Speare Law Firm

State Farm Insurance-Bonnie


Stifel Investment/David Kuhns

Stockman Bank

Terry Sealey

The Beer Garden Volunteers

The Grand Bar

The Maverick Bar

Tim & Chris Molvig

Tim Schaff

Timesquare Media

Valley Credit Union

VanDyke’s Supermarket

Vidic Drillings Horses Plus Feed

Visit Southeast Montana

Yellowstone Basin Construction

1st Security Bank



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