Central MT Grasslands Tour

The Central Montana Grasslands Policy Tour and Workshop was sponsored by Northern Great Plains Joint Venture and Winnett ACES (Agricultural Community Enhancement & Sustainability). The tour started August 13 in Roundup at the MSU Extension Office. On Wednesday the 14th the tour left Billings and went to the Bill & Dana Milton ranch for the morning. Lunch was served at the Winnett School by the sponsors.

After lunch the participants broke into smaller groups to visit five petroleum County ranches: the King, Schultz, Brady, Skip Ahlgren, and Charlie Ahlgren ranches. Everyone met back at the Flatwillow Hall for a social and dinner.

The meal was followed by short presentations by ACES coordinator Brent Smith and The Ranchers Stewardship Alliance coordinator Paula Enkerud. ACES and Malta-based RSA are two groups working on collaborative approaches to ranch viability and grassland conservation. A tour member from each of the five afternoon tours gave their impressions of what the different ranchers are doing to improve aspects of their operations.

The group would meet again in Billings on Thursday morning for a panel discussion and break into smaller discussion groups.


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