Roundup City Council Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jones. Clerk/Treasurer Lanter conducted roll call with council members Liggett, Schladweiler, Toombs and Fisher present. Also present were Director Sibley, Assistant Clerk Mann. and Attorney Lundvall via phone. Picchioni, Perrella, and Griffith III, were absent.

Moved by Schladweiler, seconded by Toombs to approve the minutes of the August 6, 2019. All in favor. Motion carried.

Moved by Toombs, seconded by Fisher to approve agenda. All in favor. Motion carried.

Visitors: Edith Sloan representing Pickleball, gave a report and an overview of the game. A year ago, she came before the council asking to place tape on the courts. The tape doesn’t stay very well due to the leaves and dirt on the courts. The tape costs 7 to 9 dollars a roll. Entire court needs to be replaced. Cindy Charlton and Edith won silver medal at Big Sky State games. Despite drawbacks, there are now 10 people. We will play hell or high water.

Bev Eiselein has a concern about a vehicle parking for an extended period of time on the Avenue by the Community Garden. She would like the council to talk to the owner. Mayor Jones will ask the Parks Committee to discuss this at the next meeting which will be held September 3rd @ 6:30pm. Councilmember Fisher will take Weitzeil’s place.

Public Comment-None

Mayor Jones- Four signs for stage area were ordered through Big Horn Signs. Jeremy Erickson agreed to represent Ward II, per his wife. Will confirm with him.

There is no revenue for the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) District.

No funding for restroom project. Will resubmit application. Agency ran out of funds.

Signal Peak Application going in soon for lawn mower.

Looking into GoTo Meeting setup for Councilmembers that can’t make a meeting but would like to attend.

City Attorney Lance Lundvall- The application for the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) looks good. Ordinance will be in place at the first of the year.

Working out Flood Plain issues with Vanessa of Great West Engineering. Things are working out very well.

Councilmember Schladweiler asked if we can require Mid-Rivers to clean up cable left on the ground. Attorney Lundvall will check the ordinance.

Report of Site Permits: Compliance Officer Bruce Hoiland- Permits issued (Carport, fence and a house addition with garage). People are still waiting for contractors to do the job from a year ago, I have extended some permits.

Clerk/Treasurer Lanter-Final Budget. Hold Public Hearing next meeting. Councilmember Schladweiler asked if we are spending more than we take in and if money is being takin from the reserves. Clerk/Treasurer said we are consistent and money is still in reserves. Schladweiler wants a $1000.00 increase in the Library Fund. Council agrees.

Director Sibley- Last day for the pool was the 16th. Hail damage is being fixed.

Working on paving streets. Ordered parts for a hydrant on 1st and 12th.

Transfer Site sale discussion-Mayor Jones is questioning why the County wants to purchase it. There has never been an issue before. If it’s signing the lease agreement, we can do it every 50 to 100 years. Councilmember Fisher thinks it’s the County Attorney who has an issue with it. Attorney Lundvall can follow up with the County Attorney. Councilmember Toombs said if it benefits the City then do it. Director Sibley said sewer lines run through the property. Clerk/Treasurer Lanter will email a copy of the lease agreement to the council. Council agrees they want more information.

Water Authority: Councilmember Schladweiler reports- Met last Wednesday. Open bids for third well should be done October. Still waiting for one more right of way. DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) package submitted. Inline power generators in pipes to move water. Shawmut wants in. Ask Monty Sealey for update.

Zoning Committee- will meet September 17th @ 6:30pm

Public Comment: Bruce Hoiland asked if the stop sign by the Senior Center can be moved to the Avenue. Director Sibley agrees it should be moved.

Since there is no TIF (Tax Increment Financing) money, can we look at Brownfield money? Mayor Jones will discuss with SMDC (Snowy Mountain Development Corporation) when she meets with them.

Moved by Liggett, seconded by Fisher to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.


Sandra Jones- Mayor Tanya Lanter- Clerk Treasurer


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