Annual Roundup Day Celebration

Annual Roundup Day Celebration Held Saturday, October 5 at the Community Center

Sandra Jones, Roundup Mayor, has been installed as President of the Montana League of Cities & Towns at their annual conference held last week in Billings. The League represents 127 cities and towns in Montana. It is an advisory board that provides a united, legislative voice that advocates cooperation and improvement between municipal officers, mayors for example, and State and Federal governments. Without the League, this united voice would not be possible. Mayor Jones is actively looking forward to serving in this capacity and will hold this office throughout 2020.

Tanya Lanter , Roundup Clerk/Treasurer and Sandra Jones, Roundup Mayor with a plaque they received on behalf of Roundup at the annual Montana League of Cities & Towns Conference held last week in Billings. Roundup is one of two state finalists for the award of Tree City of the Year. This award recognizes the top Montana community that demonstrates excellence in promoting urban landscape and green infrastructure in Montana cities and towns. The winning community of the annual award will be announced at a late date and will be host to the Statewide Arbor Day Celebration held in 2020.


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