Toys for Children and Toys for Tots-Together Again

This year, the Roundup Toys for Children and the Musselshell Toys for Tots are combining their efforts to make this an amazing Christmas for children in the area. We are pleased to welcome Justin and Valerie Russell as Toys for Tots coordinators for Musselshell County. They will join the Roundup Toys for Children coordinators, consisting of Kerri Marking, Teri Hice, Lisa Harper and Jolene Sealey.

Those who have donated before can donate to Roundup Toys for Children at First Security Bank. For those who would like the tax benefits of a donation, you may go to and make your donation there. If you want to write a paper check to Toys for Tots, you can also do that, there will just be a longer turnaround for the paperwork. Those donations can be given to Justin Russell.

Applications can be picked up at Picchioni’s IGA, Van Dykes, Key Insurance or First Security Bank. You can also apply on-line at the above web address. We are asking that all applications be submitted by December 13th. We will accept them until Monday the 16th, but no later please. Pick-up for the toys will be on December 20th at the Masonic Hall at the same time as the Christmas Food Baskets. Please follow the pick-up times (by last name) that will be published for the food baskets.

All toys and money will stay in our community! Thank you to all our donors past and present, we could not make this work without you. Thank you!!!


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