Pastor's Corner


Oh, you think I am a month early, but not if you are a Christian. The Christian year begins on December 1 this year and is called ADVENT. The year will cycle through all the phases of the Christian life until December, 2020 when we come back to the beginning which is ADVENT. What on earth is ADVENT? Well, it is taken from a Medieval Latin word, adventus, which means ‘to come’. So ADVENT is a period of time when we look forward to the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Traditionally, ADVENT is the 4 weeks before Christmas, always beginning on a Sunday. Our role models as to what we are to be doing in this holy season are Anna and Simeon. You can read about them in Luke 2. Somehow, most people read the first part of Luke 2 that contains the angels, shepherds, stars, the birth of a baby; but the second part of that chapter is just as important. You will read that they were not out shopping for presents, not decorating their homes, not planning a huge meal. They were seeking God and waiting for the coming of the Promised One and their wait was not in vain, for they saw Him and recognized Him when His parents brought Him into the Temple as required by law. They even prophesied over Him and their prophesies came true.

Well, what has that got to do with us? Everything in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation says that Jesus is coming again. Not as a baby this time, but as a conquering hero to set up His Kingdom here on earth. We need to be just as diligent as Simeon and Anna in looking for Jesus’ arrival. Will we recognize Him? Will we see Him? He says ‘every eye shall see Him’ which I never thought possible when I was younger. But with the advent (coming) of our satellite communication systems we can be right on the scene of every event that happens no matter where it is in the world. We see it all instantly!

The 4 weeks of ADVENT are meant to be used in thinking about Jesus, His first coming which happened over 2,000 years ago, and His second coming which could be at any moment. Think about Him, meditate on His Word, read the ancient prophesies and how they have been fulfilled – many of them in our life times.

Jesus is the only baby that was born to die. His purpose in life was to defeat death by dying, to cleanse us from the sin that came upon all of us because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience and our own disobedience. What a wonderful gift God sent to us when He gave up His only Son so that we might become the Righteousness in Christ with ALL of our sins forgiven now and forever. Just believe!

Maranatha!! Come Lord Jesus, Your people await You with eager expectation.

Rev. Joyce Kaplan, M.Div, Retired United church of Christ Pastor.


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