8:30 Call to order.
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approval of minutes
Commissioner Board information
Old business
Extension Office and Fairgrounds repairs
Discuss the County’s next move on Flood Plain Violations
#4 Road alteration.
Accounting Audit
User rental and hold harmless agreements for County facilities.
Deed for the Melstone property.
New Business
Updated phone system.
Employee vacation accumulation.
Rural Development/Commons sidewalks
NW Energy Audit
EDA Supplemental Funding for 2018/2019 Disasters.
CDBG Planning Grants
9:00 Lorie Jett
Capital Improvement Plan
9:30 Road
#4 Road alteration.
Signal Peak and Fattig Creek.
10:00 Sheriff
Capital Improvement Plan
Steps at Sheriff Office
10:30 Department of Revenue
11:00 DES
Capital Improvement Plan
Scope of work change and Budget amendment for the FEMA Buyout Program.
11:30 Treasurer Hetrick
Capital Improvement Plan
11:45 County Agent Fosjord
Capital Improvement Plan
12:00 LUNCH
3:00 Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commission.
Review and sign Resolution 2020-1 setting reimbursement rates for mileage to. 57.5 cents as of January 1, 2020.
Review and sign Resolution 2020-2 setting Legal Holidays.
Review and sign Resolution 2020-3 setting Commissioner meeting dates and describe procedures for public participation.
Review and sign Resolution 2020-4 setting travel & meal reimbursements.
Review and sign Resolution 2020-5 establishing an Elected Official Compensation Board.
Review and sign Resolution 2020-6 setting Fire Season for Musselshell County.
Review and sign Resolution 2020-7 describing the County wide open burning permit.
Review and sign resolution 2020-8 amending and updating Resolution 2017-8 regarding the Musselshell County Fair Board.
Discuss and vote on updating the Musselshell County Central Commons user agreement.
Meeting Closed.
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