Musselshell County Commission Minutes

Commissioners January 27, 2020 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Carlson was present. Commissioner Berry was absent.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda for today. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson said aye.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the January 21, 2020. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson said aye.

Commissioner Carlson had a Council on Aging Board meeting Tuesday January 21, 2020.

They thanked Musselshell County for their donation of funds. They are working in conjunction with Roundup Memorial Hospital for a new bus and the hospital will be the main owner of the bus. Commissioner Carlson will find out who is going to be responsible for the insurance.

Commissioner Borner had a Mental Health Board meeting last week. Some of the downtown Billings businesses think the Hub is what is causing the homeless problems and would like it to move. Commissioner Borner thinks that some people do not realize just how many people and issues the Hub serves and it would be a terrible thing that would affect many Counties if it were to close. Commissioner Borner worked with MACo regarding Certificate of Survey review fees. The commissioners are checking on fees for another Attorney to look at the issue. Commissioner Borner has also been talking to MACo regarding hiring a Chief Financial Officer or Administrator and is going to continue working on it for the next fiscal year. Commissioner Borner has also been working on the employee PERS issue and is waiting to hear back about it. Commissioner Borner talked with Wipfli regarding the 2015 audit. They are waiting on letters from Attorneys that were hired by the County during that time. Commissioner Borner had a work session Thursday, January 23, 2020 with Treasure Hetrick, Clerk and Recorder Tomassi and Darla Erickson from the Department of Administration regarding budgets.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett stopped in to let the Commissioners know that she didn’t have anything to report and they are making sure walk ways are not icy.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The Commissioners are contacting Attorney Swimmley regarding the #4 alteration and MFLAP ROW letter. Ms. Swimmley is out of the office until Wednesday, January 29, 2020. The department ordered a new computer. Commissioner Borner told them that the CDBG Planning Grant for a new building was denied and thinks they should think about using money from their capital improvement fund. Commissioner Borner asked for a list of where the departments “match” will come from for the EDA Grant. Today they are filling/building up the area where the culvert needs installed on Alec Roy Road once it dries up and sanding icy roads.

Sheriff Lesnik met with the Commissioners to talk about his budget.

Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners to go over some budget issues and to give an update on the numbers for the computer updates. Mr. Solberg will get the departments vehicle and property updates to Key Insurance also.

DES Coordinators Harper and Fisher gave their weekly reports to the Commissioners. The cleanup of the FEMA buyout properties is going well and a lot of progress has been made. They are now waiting on some permits to continue. Fire college training was January 25, 2020 at some of the buyout properties. As always all of their time and hours goes towards the Counties match toward the grant. Commissioner Borner gave them a copy of the use and hold harmless agreements that the Commissioners selected to use so they could put it towards any of the County property that may want to be leased. There were multiple burn violations last week that they are working on.

County Agent Fosjord gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Use of the fairgrounds and liability waivers for cutting wood at the fairgrounds was discussed. Ms. Fosjord is going to update the policy for use of the fairgrounds. They need 3 board members for the Fair Board, an ad will go into the Roundup Record.

There was a Department Head meeting at noon in the ambulance barn. Commissioner Borner, Commissioner Carlson, Clerk & Recorder Tomassi, Clerk of Court Halverson, Treasurer Hetrick, Ambulance Director Solberg, Weed Coordinator Beck, County Agent Fosjord, Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert, Sheriff Lesnik and DES Coordinators Fisher and Harper were present. Commissioner Berry, Justice of the Peace Marking, County Attorney Peterson and Maintenance Supervisor Jett were not present.

Mark Qualman from Quest Services met with the Commissioners regarding the work at the Extension Office building. Mr. Qualman is going to send a certified letter to the contractor.

Jon Goffena visited with the Commissioners regarding the baseball field at the fairgrounds and trying to fix them. Commissioner Carlson said they could try to get some permits to see about fixing them.

Public comment:

Deb Adolph was present. No public comment.

Item #1 to review, discuss and vote on signing the MACo Insurance Renewal forms was tabled until Commissioner Berry could be present to have the discussion.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the EMPG Funding Commitment Letter for the 2020/2021 Emergency Services Performance Grant. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the EMPG Annual Time Certification as the Authorizing Official. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Job Description for DES. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Board of Crime Control Grant submitted by Victim Witness Advocate Tami Allen. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review and sign the Designation of Representative Form 5 to the Montana Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board submitted by Weston Solutions, Inc. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.

The Commissioners will not be meeting on February 10, 2020 due to MACo’s mid-winter conference.


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