Annual Meeting Scheduled for Friends of Musselshell School

Friends of Musselshell School, Inc. is a non-profit organization that was formed in June of 2003 for the purpose of taking ownership and operating Musselshell School as a community center.

The annual meeting of the corporation has been set for Tuesday, February 18 to begin at 7 pm at the Musselshell School.

Membership of the corporation is not required to participate in the activities of the school but is required to vote for board member positions at the annual meeting and to hold a position on the board. If your membership has not been paid for 2020, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. The cost of a single person membership is $5.00 per year, or a single person life membership is $100.00. Membership dues can be mailed to FoMS, P.O. Box 14, Musselshell, MT 59059. The treasurer will also accept dues prior to the meeting.

The meeting will review general business, the 2019 financial statement, ongoing and potential projects, scheduled and possible fund-raising for 2020, and fill two board member positions that are open for election. The only requirements to hold a position on the board is to be a member in good standing of the corporation, and to care about the building and the surrounding community it serves. Anyone wishing to run for a position may call Adair at 947-5141. Nominations will be taken from the floor during the meeting.

The grand finale of the meeting will be the raffle drawing for an exquisitely hand-crafted Hickory/cedar chest built by Keith Noyes. If you have not purchased a ticket for the raffle—time is running out! Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00. A copy of a raffle ticket can be printed from the Musselshell School website, Open the September issue of the Now & Then newsletter (page 4) which has a ticket stub along with all the raffle details. Send a copy of the filled out ticket with the appropriate funds to the address on the ticket. Upon receipt, tickets will be filled out and placed in the drawing. You may also purchase tickets prior to the annual meeting.

Show your support by attending. Coffee and cookies will be served following the meeting.


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