Updates within Extension

By Jennifer Fosjord

Greetings Musselshell County and surrounding communities,

As all of you are already aware of the additional precautions everyone has been taking amongst this craziness, I wanted to further inform what myself & MSU Extension has been doing to continue to serve Musselshell & Golden Valley Counties. The Extension Office in Roundup has limited quite a few activities and gatherings which are usually held within it. These include all 4-H activities/club meetings inside and outside of the office. 4-H related activities will be postponed until April 1st as of this point. We are trying our best to conduct most of our office work and commercial media, radio, and newspaper means. Similar to many other offices and businesses around town, please avoid coming into the Extension Office if you are sick or feeling ill. Please call our office at (406) 323-2704, my cell at (406) 366-6475, or my email [email protected] to help answer any questions that you may have! For those who are familiar and/or active on Facebook, I encourage you to go ‘like’ the Musselshell-Golden Valley County Extension page to have access to future agriculture education opportunities. These opportunities will be updated frequently throughout this week and next as we ALL navigate this everchanging situation. I have included a brief list of some great webinars & learning opportunities which will be discussed throughout the following couple of weeks.

• Grazing Management in Spring and Fall

• Evaluating Your Grazing System & Design

• Spring Livestock Management Tips

o Preventing & treatment of some common problems

• Supplemental Gardening Tips and Tricks

• What Ag Producers Need to Know About COVID-19

• Learning how to be self-sufficient with food utilization (stretching food dollars & meal planning)

Please contact me if you would like documents, notes, further information mailed to you on any of the above topics or if you have questions about other agriculture-related topics. I will strive to continue to serve Musselshell & Golden Valley Counties throughout this uncertain time.


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