Roundup City Council Meeting Minutes


Roundup City Council Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jones. Clerk/Treasurer Lanter conducted roll call with council members, Long, Liggett, Vivirito, Erickson, Carlson, Griffith, Toombs, and Fisher present. Also, present were Assistant Clerk Mann, Director Sibley, Compliance Officer Hoiland and Attorney Lundvall via phone.

Moved by Liggett seconded by Griffith to approve the minutes of the February 18, 2020 meeting. All in favor. Motion carried.

Moved by Toombs, seconded by Fisher to approve the agenda. All in favor. Motion carried.

Public Comment: No comments.

Visitors: Jeff Coles to discuss zoning-lives on 2nd St W, owns property on 1St St W. and is the owner of the 24hr gym in Roundup. Would like to build a home and business combined on the vacant lot. Wants it zoned as residential not commercial. Councilmember Toombs asked about parking. Mr. Coles said he would have an 8 or 9 spot parking lot. Compliance Officer Hoiland said the neighbors don’t have a problem with it and the Council makes the decision but he recommends the Council approve it. Mayor Jones will send it to Zoning Committee to discuss. Zoning Committee will meet March 17th @ 6:30pm.

Law Enforcement: Undersheriff Bednar gave an oral report and a copy of incidents and citations to Clerk/Treasurer Lanter.

Open Public Hearing at 7:17pm, PER (Preliminary Engineering Report) for Phase 6: Report given by Crystal Bennett of Great West Engineering- It is a requirement to go over this in order to receive Grants for phase 6 of the water project. Ms. Bennett presented a slide show along with a hard copy.

Public Comment: Kurt Lang questioned the water rates that were on the slide show. Ms. Bennett explained the rates are an average. Mayor Jones gave the base rate, amount per thousand gallons, sewer rate and surcharge on residential bills. Mr. Lang stated he changes his filter monthly and heard that others change it weekly.

Close Public Hearing at 7:36pm.

Action Item for next meeting- consider new water source coming in, will there be a rate increase?

Mayor Jones: Jennifer from the County Extension Office will be hosting a virtual meeting April 15th @ 6:00pm. Key speaker will be Ben Winchester from the University of Minnesota.

Mayor Jones will reschedule AARP age friendly Communities presentation for sometime in May.

Tree City of the Year will be awarded May 1st at the City stage. Lunch will be served at the Senior Center; the Council and staff are invited.

Cleanup day will be April 27th. Mayor Jones will contact Montana Department of Transportation about street sweeping.

Next LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) meeting will be March 10th at 12:00pm @ the ambulance barn.

City Attorney Lundvall: Nothing new to report. Should have the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Board Ordinance done by Memorial Day.

Correspondence: Received a copy of a letter from the Health Department that was sent to 813 3rd St W. resident living in home without water service.

Report out from Council Committee meetings:

• Wages & Salaries Committee discussion: Griffith reports-Health Insurance is paid at 100% for City Employees. That’s how we keep employees around. We will investigate Health Savings plan. Will meet with City Employees March 9th @ 1:00pm.

Water Authority will meet next week.

Director Sibley: Water truck was delivered.

Hoping to start Phase 5 of the water project the middle of April.

Public Comment: No comments.

Claims were read as follows:

City Payroll $45,783.88

Motor Power Equip $107,667.00

Per Diem $325.00

AT & T $58.21 Normont Equipment $199.08

American Welding &

Gas $31.96 Northwest Pipe $584.46

Big Sky Linen$452.07 Northwestern Energy $13,634.77

Butler, Lee$97.83 O’Reilly Auto Parts $1209.59

City Petty Cash $86.57 Picchionis IGA $7.95

Dons Welding $61.00 Roundup Hardware $510.97

DPC Industries $372.83 Roundup Record $729.30

Electric Service Shop$143.87 Russell,Glen $371.03

Energy Labs $771.00 Schnitzer $226.86

Great West Engineering $16,570.55

State Industrial $1,133.06

Lawson Products $657.40 Tractor & Equipment $39.84

Lance Lundvall $550.00 USDA Blue Book $273.23

Utilities Underground $3.64

Montana Dept. Of Enviro. $3,000.00 Yellowstone City News $701.25

Van Dykeses$8.

Moved by Toombs, seconded by Griffith to approve Claims for the preceding month and draw warrants on the treasury for the same. All in favor. Motion carried.

Moved by Toombs seconded by Liggett to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.


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