Musselshell County Commission Minutes

Commissioner July 6, 2020 minutes

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Carlson was present.

There was no public present.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The June 29, 2020 agenda was not available.

Commissioner Borner attended the Refuse Board meeting. There needs to be a plan for the Vintage Café fire cleanup. And there was an employee issue.

The leak at the Extension office was fixed.

The Commissioners received the latest update and final report for the audits. They have been submitted and the County is now in compliance with our audits for the first time since 2014.

To: The Musselshell County Commissioners

From: Bob Denning CPA

RE: 6/30/2020 update on our progress #6


It’s the last day of June. Deadline Day.

I feel both whipped and elated at the same time.

Looking back.

On December 5th I attended your community meeting about the County’s finances.

I got the message loud and clear on that day the community needs good financials and the audits completed.

I promised I would complete the audits for Fiscal Years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 by June 30, 2020.

But we needed the 2015 audit report as a starting point to get going.

We were slow out of the chute as we didn’t get the 2015 audit until mid-March.

It has been game on since then.

There were very few days that an email or phone call wasn’t exchanged since the start.


The corona virus didn’t help things much. Nuff said.

We found out the 2018 and 2019 audit had to meet the federal audit requirements in addition to the state requirements.

We found and help fix more than a few accounting issues along the way.


Today is the last day of June, D-day.

A couple hours ago we had our final exit meeting with the commissioners.

The County left the meeting with a few bruises (audit comments) but the overall opinion said “ In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information….” In other words, the financials presented to the public are fairly stated. This is a HUGE improvement over the 2015 audit in which the auditor had to disclaim (not give) an opinion.

As I type, the office manager is busy making paper copies of the audit, and sending the final report by email to the Commissioners.

It wouldn’t have been completed on time if it weren’t for the tireless help of Darcie Hetrick (County Treasurer), Andrew Harper (County DES), Nicole Borner (County Commissioner), Kim Downey CPA (Auditor) and Angela Holmes (Auditor). Thank you all.

There is an old joke that the job of an auditor is to come after the battle and bayonet the wounded. While I’m sure several people feel that way, our mission is to work with the government to help them improve. We can only help when the government wants to improve. This County has worked hard and proved to us they want to improve.


Fact: Musselshell County was the last County to file their 2016 audit with the State.

Plan: Musselshell County be the first County to file their 2020 audit with the State.

My staff and myself are taking a few well-deserved weeks off for R and R and then hope to jump back in the saddle the first of August.

Thanks again for the work

Robert (Bob) Denning CPA, CGFM, CITP, CFF

We are going to get the latest appraisal value for the County owned property (Original Townsite of Melstone, Block 16, Lot 8) from the Department of Revenue.

Commissioner Carlson has all of the equipment for the lights at the South cemeteries and will get it to the caretaker today.

Commissioner Borner asked Mark Qualman to check into storage for the Courthouse.

Snowy Mountain Development Corporation is going to be working with us on the Farmers Union Building ground water monitoring.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett is on vacation.

Mike Goffena joined the meeting.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Snowy Mountain Development is going to look into a grant for a well for the County shop. All information has been sent in regarding the audits and the TSEP Grant. They are going to be getting estimates for the sidewalk repair going to the fairgrounds. Mr. Stockert has started the Hazwoper refresher course.

Musselshell County Republican Central Committee meeting:

Mary Rose Beasley, Robert Goffena, Wendy Snook, Dwane Snook, Dan McCaffree. Mark Higgins, Bruce Hoiland, Robert Pancratz, Dave Liggett, Melissa Carlson, Debi Adolph, Mike Goffena Amy Angel, Andrew Harper and County Attorney Peterson were present.

The purpose of the meeting was to ask for Commissioner Carlson’s resignation solely for the fact that he moved a couple blocks out of his district. County Attorney Peterson said he had received a complaint regarding the situation. Commissioner Borner asked Mr. Peterson if he was representing the Group? Mr. Peterson said he was acting for the public. Commissioner Carlson mentioned that he still owns the property in District 3 and that Tom Berry sold his property while in office and nothing was ever said. Commissioner Carlson said that this is a personal attack against him, but will resign by the end of the day.

DES Coordinator Harper gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Cleanup on the FEMA properties continues. We should be getting all the FEMA reimbursements from the State by the end of the week, they have everything they need. We have heard nothing from the City or Great West regarding the Floodplain violation. There were 8 fires over the weekend. Burning is closed. There will be a Resolutions at 3:00 business. There were 2 new addresses this week.

Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners. Mr. Solberg had the minutes from the T.V. District meeting. There was a Human Resources issue.

Sheriff Lesnik had nothing new to report.

County Agent Fosjord gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Fosjord submitted a new invoice for the work done on the rails at the walking trails. Ms. Fosjord said that she and the Central Montana Health District has not yet received a “plan” for the horse sale that is supposed to be at the end of the week.

Public Hearing for the Preliminary Budget:

There was no public comment. Commissioner Borner suspended the meeting until further notice.

Public comment for the 3:00 business:

Dave Ponte and Dan McCaffree were present.

Mr. Ponte said he had a comment and a question. The Comment was that he had talked to a lawyer in Bozeman and their Commissioners don’t have to live in their districts. The Commissioners said it would have to go before the legislature to be changed. Mr. Ponte asked about the replacement of Tom Berry in March. The Commissioners told him that the County Attorney told them they had no right to fill the vacancy.

Mr. McCaffree asked where all the kitchen stuff went out of one of the FEMA buyout properties. The Commissioners told him that it went to the Contractor that is doing all of the demo as in the contract.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Resolution 2020-22 Establishing the Salary for the Combined Offices of Fire Council Administrator. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to suspend the rules to sign resolution 2020-23 to establish Stage 1 Fire Restrictions and to sign the 2 Successful Grant writing contract from Snowy Mountain Development Corporation for the Sheriff Impound Building and Hawk Creek VFD concrete and gutters. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Resolution 2020-23 setting Stage 1 Fire Restrictions for Musselshell County. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Successful Grant writing contract from Snowy Mountain Development Corporation for the Sheriff Impound Building. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Successful Grant writing contract from Snowy Mountain Development Corporation for the Hawk Creek VFD concrete and gutters. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

At this time Commissioner Borner closed the meeting and stated that there will be no County business until a Commission quorum is established.


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