Recently an acquaintance clued me in...

Recently an acquaintance clued me in on a matter that is providing me and mine with absolute hilarious delight. It was brought to my attention that a class of mentally challenged Roundup residents have had nothing to do but get on Facebook trying to stir dooky about me and I’d like to share that with the Roundup people who can actually read this editorial. In those comments, I’ve been accused of being an animal hater, child hater, and a threat to the community. I’ve recently had a conversation with the sheriff about these lying people who have nothing else to do with their three brain cells.

In one of those Facebook inserts, some pathetic individual went as far as to state I have never served in the military. “You!”, I challenge before this town and country to a bet of $100,000 dollars if you are man or woman enough! Another chicken turd accused me of a death threat to the community. I served my country to protect you twice, and will show on the courthouse step to a crowd my D.D> 214’s! Can YOU provide one? Probably not! Trash like you like to live on the safety, milk, and honey that people like me secured for your security.

At 64 years of age, I am a disabled registered veteran with the D.A.V., V.A., D.V.A. and I find it concerning that you don’t call out the “Stolen Valor” trash in this town which is a felony offense! I am a member in good standing with the American Legion and love my country which I am still willing to die for, so you and your poison, lying mouth can eat my milk, and honey. You are a parasite disgrace!

The issues brought up about me being a threat to the community I’d like to air in this editorial. Number one, I live in a hospital zone! A few of you entitled bottom feeders live on welfare and can afford to buy fireworks to torment us veterans with P.T.S.D. in this zone which should be free of “Disturbing the Peace” Violations. You have the money to buy dogfood to harbor aggressive dogs that are a threat to children and torment sick people in our hospital and assisted living facilities. You are finger pointers are looking at three fingers pointing back at you in the eyes of the almighty God I raised my right hand to three times to defend your sorry “bottom feeding” ass and you cowardly dare to post a lie on FaceBook to show your shameful self. You know who you are!

Yes, I am a threat in this here community to child molesters, elder abusers, snakes that crawl, and two legged snakes like you who have nothing else to do in these trying times but stir dooky. I want to see YOUR D.D. 214 on the courthouse steps when I collect my bet. Truth will reveal who you are. A damned liar! Have you ever heard of a liable and slander lawsuit? Probably not with the three brain cells you can’t read the word “suit” which some of you can’t afford anyway on welfare as a parasite.

As far as your poison mouth lies about me killing dogs on my block. “You are right” in the eighteen years I’ve lived in this community, not ONE dog has been killed on my block, which I am the neighborhood watch, except one, MINE. Yes mine, a puppy I got at 8 weeks of age because my old dog was worn out and limited time wise. My puppy I named Tonka, and I loved that pup. The problem, this menace in the community raised his right hand three times to my beloved (dog?) God to defend my country against all enemies foreign and domestic. Tonka went “red-zone” aggressive at three years of age. I am a responsible individual and did what a real maniac would. When Tonka started acting very aggressive toward me and my other do and people, I did what my oath said, I had Mary Rose Beasely put him down Humanely. Why? So your sorry ass can get on Facebook and bad mouth the very maniac that is a threat to this community.

In summary, the real threat to this community is people like you who hide behind your cell phone media because it makes you feel important and impowered to cover up your shortcomings as a person. Get a life, get a job, and if you can be half the man I’ve been in 64 years, then you’ll be writing this letter to the editor in the future when you deal with “white trash” who think nothing about anyone but themselves. Thank you, editor, for helping me reveal the real threat in this community, the complacent law enforcement of town ordinance and I’d like to quote the statement of a fine and educated state trooper out of the state of Kentucky where I moved from in 1998 to Montana: “For evil to prevail, let no man come forward! The guilty dog barks first!” There are bark collars and responsible dog owners, if not, shut your cry-baby ass up. We do know how to execute that oath. Enough said.

Yes! You coward civilian entitled trash, I am something you ain’t. I am a man that served my country and can prove it! Can you? My advice is “shut the hell up” if you do not know what you are talking about, because I do! My address to the citizens is “Peace, quietude, and an existence as such in the eyes of God.” If not, I return to my oath to my God to allow me to finish my first three oaths. The rest of you who have no dog in this fight, rest assured, I have your back. Peace.

Signed, BT3 Roger Stephens U.S.N.I.R, Roundup


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