Musselshell County Commission Minutes

Commissioners August 31, 2020 Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Goffena was present.

Mike Turley was present for observation for the day.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the agenda as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the August 24, 2020 minutes as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena attended a Refuse Board meeting on Tuesday August 24, 2020. They are going to be putting some money into their Capital Improvement fund. Commissioner Borner told Commissioner Goffena that she had a call regarding dumping fees and referred them to the Refuse Secretary.

Commissioner Goffena also attended a Council on Aging meeting on Tuesday August 24, 2020. Their wifi bill is getting really high and they are wondering if they could have a break on their rent. The Commissioners will check with Ron Solberg to see if he could check their wifi first. There was also a question regarding their vehicle insurance, Secretary Hagstrom will call Key Insurance to inquire.

Commissioner Borner attended a Mental Health Center meeting on Friday August 28, 2020. The Hub was discussed and how they are going to try to figure out restructuring since Yellowstone County pulled their mills. Commissioner Borner said our satellite office is critical for the community.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. They are going to do some electrical work in the old bathroom and are doing flooring in the new bathroom at the Extension Office.

John Bach, Steve Aldinger (via Zoom) and Veronica Meyer (via Zoom) from Interstate Engineering, Steve Studder and Jay Steinmasel from Knife River and Arron Task from Braun Intertech met with the Commissioners for an update of the pavement project at the Airport. Test Strip #1 is to be removed on Wednesday of this week. Material will be stock piles onsite until paving begins and will be hauled to Knife River in Billings. The supplemental Grant Agreement was approved by the FAA, and Veronica is going to re-forward a copy of the email to cc.

Knife River will be submitting a revised mix design for the project. KR demobilized their paving equipment while waiting to receive the new mix design, and will remobilize prior to September 8, 2020.

Road and Bridge Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. There were draft plans and a draft resolution for the capital improvement bridge account. Ms. Kenner submitted the road plans thru the end of the year and up to date road completed jobs. Today they are moving equipment, doing more mining at the Willow creek site, taking the dozer to the dump to compact the burn area, cleaning cattle guard east and mowing the northeast area. If there is moisture this week, they will blade some roads.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Lesnik voiced his displeasure regarding the raises for his deputies. The deputies have more responsibility than other employees and put themselves at very high risk. They also work more hours a year that all other employees.

By Statute the deputies pay is based on a percentage of the sheriff’s salary. The Commissioners voted to give all Elected Officials a .25 cent raise and employees a .50 cent raise. The Sheriff is an Elected Official; therefore, the deputies will only receive a .25 cent raise and Sheriff Lesnik says it is not fair. Mike Turley asked what is the solution? Sheriff Lesnik thinks there needs to be some kind of compensation or maybe next year put in shift differentials.

Mayor Jones, Sheriff Lesnik and Under Sheriff Bednar met with the Commissioners to go over the distribution of COVID-19 reimbursement funds. Mayor Jones said the Sheriff’s office should get paid for working. The payroll clerk will work on getting time cards for the specific time of reimbursement and the Commissioners will vote on applying for the reimbursement at the Tuesday September 8, 2020 meeting.

DES Coordinator Harper and Fire Warden Russell gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. They have not heard anything from the State regarding FEMA reimbursement yet. Mr. Russell stated that there are going to be “Red Flag” warning heading into the weekend for fires. There were 3 new addresses last week. They are going to be giving the Commissioners a quarterly report on how many addresses were given out.

Sanitarian Megan Spry met with the Commissioner regarding a complaint from a land owner in Musselshell County who has a tenant that built an outhouse on his property and he wants it removed. Ms. Spry needs legal advice and per code the County Attorney is who she is supposed to go to when advice is needed. County Attorney Peterson told her, her job is mediocre and he can’t be bothered with the complaint. Commissioner Borner asked if any of the County Attorneys that are in the Central Montana Health District could help? Ms. Spry is going to ask Fergus County Attorney Sipe and if he won’t help, Commissioner Borner will contact Attorney Meloy.

County Agent Fosjord gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The Noxious Weed Workshop went well. Ms. Fosjord will not be having many meetings for the month of September at the Extension office.

Mike Ruggles, Harold Guse, Mimi Wolok, Dustin Ramole and Courtney Tyree from Fish Wildlife and Parks met with the Commissioners regarding the proposed “Riverside Fishing Access” Lease. Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Mike Turley were also present. The project would be Commission endorsed. There will have to be a clear title and environmental assessment. The County would be responsible for the road construction and weed control. FWP will maintain the road (no winter maintenance) and covers liability. Mr. Stockert offered his free time on the weekends to help with the construction if he will be able to use County equipment. They will all meet again on September 14, 2020 for more in-depth details in the lease agreement.

Public Hearing for the Final Budget and Permissive Levies.

Sue Olson, Mike Turley and Clerk & Recorder Tomassi were present.

The Sheriff Retirement and Employee Health permissive levies were discussed. There are only Public Safety, Road Department, Weed Department, Fair Board and General Capital Improvement funds as of now. Ms. Tomassi said the mills are down a total of 57.86 from last year.

There being no further business the Public Hearing was officially adjourned.

There was no public comment.

Mike Turley was present.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2020-26 Adopting the 2020/2021 Final Budget. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to vote on moving forward with the Farmers Union Building Ground Water Monitoring. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to review and sign the Audit Engagement Services Form, Non-Audit Advisory Services Form and Standard Audit Agreement Form, for June 30, 2020, June 30, 2021 and June 30, 2022 submitted by Denning, Downey & Associates. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.


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