Winnett Senior News Flatwillow News


October’s meeting of Flatwillow Homemakers was held at Ginger Moore’s home on October 13. A delicious pot luck dinner was enjoyed by everyone. There were seven members present and one guest, Debbie Ray. One new member joined our Homemakers club. Welcome to Babs Lea. We are so glad you joined with us. There were no birthdays in October.

Due to the absence of the President, Sandi, and vice president, Bonnie, Donna called the meeting to order. Raye Anne led the Pledge to the flag. Ginger read the thought for the day called “Legend of the Jack-O-Lantern”. Roll call was answered with “what is your favorite thing about fall”. Everyone participated in a lively discussion of the history of Flatwillow Hall. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was given. Anyone who wanted to join in the Secret Sisters filled out their form and turned it in. Donna won the blind pig. Everyone was in favor of raising the blind pig to $1.00 starting in November. The next meeting will be on November 10 at Raye Anne’s home. There will be opportunity table and bring a gift for your secret sister. Ginger had the scrap book out for everyone to look at. It is so fun to see all our pictures and articles from years past. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Donna and Raye Anne Lund, Ginger Moore, Lillian Moore, Luann Knutson, Babs Lea, Florence Wacker, and Jean Cook were all there. We look forward to next month.

Football and volleyball seasons are ending, and basketball season will soon begin. The elementary and jr high basketball season has been moved from the spring to the fall. Their practice will begin on Thursday, October 29 and will go to December 20. Varsity basketball practice will begin on Dec 7.

Winnett Grazing District will be holding their annual meeting on Friday, November 6 at 1:30. It will be at the Petroleum County Courthouse. Due to the virus, there will be no Petroleum County Stockgrowers dinner and meeting this year.

The Winnett music program will be presenting the Veteran’s Concert on November 12. The concert will be in the Winnett gym. Please come out and enjoy a wonderful tribute to our veteran’s.

Winter is giving us a warning shot to prepare us for snow and cold. It has been snowing steady since last night and most of today. It is now tapering off but there is a lot of snow on the ground. By next weekend, the temperatures are supposed to be in the upper 40’s. Fall and winter weather in Montana can be so unpredictable. Stay warm. Happy Halloween!!!


Oct 1 - Winnett Seniors met in person today for the first time since March. Everyone was so happy to see each other. No one could get a word in because they were all so busy catching up on the news and visiting and excited to finally be able to get together. The menu today was ham and beans, cheese slices, applesauce, cornbread muffins, and cheesecake bites. There were twenty-two members who came to enjoy lunch and visiting.

Flu shots will be on October 22 from 10:00-12:00. Patti thanked everyone who helped deliver meals for the past 6 months. Patti and Cassie did such a great job preparing take out meals for everyone and a great group of volunteers to help deliver meals. She also explained some of the new rules that are in place for being able to open in person. Donna asked for volunteers to be on the nominating committee. Luann, Gary, and Babs volunteered to be on the committee. They will report in two weeks on anyone interested in being president and vice president of Seniors. Luann reported that the Petroleum County Community Center (PCCC) needs input from the Seniors on new chairs that are able to be sanitized. The cemetery board is planning to add ten more flags to the avenue of flags. They are asking for donations to help purchase these flags. Luann moved and Gary seconded that Seniors could donate $150 to the Cemetery Board. Thank you so much.

They are not allowed to play cards anymore because everyone would in too close of contact. The suggestion was made to play bingo on Thursdays after the meal. Everyone liked that idea. Mammograms will be done next Tuesday at the school. Please call the school if you are interested in making an appointment for a mammogram.

Oct 8 - Twenty-six seniors enjoyed a delicious meal of Ranch House meatballs, baked potatoes, salad, and pudding cups. Don’t forget flu shots will be October 22 from 10:00-12:00.

The nominating committee will be reporting next week. Donna mentioned the new privacy fence at the city park. Thank you to the Winnett Lions and other volunteers who came out to help put the fence up. Also, the tubs of flowers on the street corners have looked lovely and helped brighten up the town all summer long. Thank you to Jess and everyone who has come out and donated time, money, effort to plant, water, pick deadheads and keep the tubs looking beautiful all summer. We can’t thank enough all who are willing to give of their time to help out. The Gershmels brought squash from their garden for anyone to take home and enjoy. Patti handed out the monthly Area II news.

Oct 15 - A delicious meal of taco salad, 5 cup salad, croissants, and Rice Krispee Treat bars were enjoyed by thirty-six seniors. Flu shots next week from 10:00-12:00.

Bingo went very well last week. There were twelve players. Leslie and Shy Iverson gave a presentation on the tele-health services available. It will be so nice to have that availability here. Leslie said if anyone needs help getting on the computer or accessing the sites, she will come in and be here to give any assistance needed. Jean moved, Ginger seconded to re-elect Donna as president, and Dellie as vice-president for two year terms. Congratulations to Donna and Dellie.

Oct 22 - Nineteen seniors enjoyed a birthday dinner of oven fried chicken, mashed potatoes with milk gravy, cantaloupe, cranberries, birthday cake and ice cream. Gary and Linda Gershmel brought in the cantaloupe for us to enjoy.

Flu shots have been postponed until November 5. Donna read a thank you note from the Cemetery Board for our donation for flags. Gary brought squash for anyone who would like to take some. The senior papers are here. Be sure and take one home. Stay safe, warm, and healthy.


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