In the course of discussing the recent election results with several friends, I urged them to get involved in local politics where you have the opportunity to make your voice heard, but their reply was that they are tired of meetings and hate them. Thinking more about this topic, I decided that I hate meetings too, but there comes a time that we are going to have to give up some of the pleasures of life if we are going to retake our country.
Back in the thirties (I think, maybe a little earlier) there was a communist/socialist named Sol Alenski who wrote a little book which has become the Bible of the above groups on how to over throw governments. The Libs and Communists (yes, we still have them around) have followed it for years. What we have now is the evidence of Alenski's Bible. Infiltrate the
government, schools, news media, political parties, local governments etc., etc, etc. Alenski's followers had to back off during WW II, but they have been busy little bees ever since then, so that what we have today is a government that has spent us into oblivion under the guise of "helping" the world, schools that have not taught our children how their country was formed and for what it has stood for over 200 yrs, political parties that are corrupt to the core, a media that has sold its soul to the devil, and local governments that are practically worthless. We also have a nation that is so damn lazy that they don't want to work and expect the government to take care of them from the cradle to their graves. Don't
forget good old Joe Blow who is just too lazy to get off his sofa, leave the case of beer behind for a few minutes and take the time to go and vote for a candidate who is honest to the core, loves God and his country, and is willing to serve his country any way he can in order to restore it to
its days of glory.
We are in deep trouble. Only God knows what is in store for us. It is time for us to wake up and take back the reins of government from the likes of people who have been in Washington and state governments for far too long. How do we do that? We do that by getting off of our butts, reorganizing our government, and paying attention to what is going on in the world
instead of falling asleep in front of the TV night after night. And yes, it might mean you have to go to a meeting now and then.
Kay Bedford
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