Publishers Two Bits

Californication of America

With the incoming communist regime of Joe Biden, the nation's move to a state of Californication is right on track. California currently has a debt of 570 billion dollars. The cost of gasoline is $3.64/gallon. The state regularly experiences rolling black-outs. The state is a one-party state with no descent. 10% of the US population lives in California. California has some of the most stringent environmental controls globally, which anyone can see when purchasing any product; California has its warning labels on every product manufactured. Is this what's in store for every American with the regime of Joe Biden? I think the answer is obvious.

So when I use the term communist, why get upset? I seemed to have ruffled the short feathers of some democrats in the readership of this small-town newspaper. Communism is a state of mind; it is not a philosophy. There are no rules with communism. Communisms first goal is to divide the people into classes. The second goal is to cause these classes to war against each other. The third goal is to consolidate political and financial power into a central authority. Then miraculously, you have California! Communism is an ideology that is like a malignant disease. It morphs into whatever the believer wishes it to be. Communists use every tactic available to destroy their opposition. They will call the opposition racists, nazis, white supremacists, climate deniers, homophobic, immigrant haters, religious zealots, anti-abortionists, anti-women, gun nuts, forest destroyers, planet polluters, science deniers, enemies of the government, crazy, knuckle-dragging nabobs, etc., etc., etc.

Today's communists and their legions of followers are so full of hate that there is no rationalizing with them. They have declared war on what made this constitutional republic unique. They want to erase all vestiges of our past and demand that we get in line, or they will destroy you, financially, personally, politically, socially. They will use every weapon at their disposal, including rioting, looting, endless lawsuits, defamation, destroying your business, and take away anything and everything that we enjoy in this nation.

So I have to ask myself, why get upset with a single word? When you have called President Trump every hostile word imaginable, and when you call President Trump names, you call me names.

Communism has been around since the beginning of time but has only labeled itself with a specific title 170 years ago. Communists have a delusional belief system that they have all the answers to yesterday, today, and tomorrow's problems if only you will do things their way. They believe that only communists can create a utopia on earth. Utopia is impossible! Man is a flawed being, and perfection is only possible with God. Communists cannot believe in the one true God; they must create other gods for themselves. The democratic party, along with their sidekicks, the press has divided us along the lines of race, religion, ethnicity, color, rich, poor, fat or thin, male, female, etc. Communism has never worked, nor will it work here, read your history and understand that change and improvement in society are slow and sometimes painful, but to those that persevere, righteousness and truth will prevail.

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light." Ephesians 5:5 11-13.

Dave Ponte



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