New Proof Positive that China Voted in America's Election.

Military intelligence knew that several foreign actor countries, notably China, intended to participate in America’s 2020 election. Thus they prepared for this and captured “terabytes of information” of all foreign electronic vote changes in all 2,995 counties. Through them we, today, can go to any county in the U.S. and see if its vote was changed by what foreign actor, precise time, precise place sent from and received, and precisely how many votes were changed. This is the most thorough, powerful, and convincing documentation I have ever viewed.

This is the information Fox News anchor Lou Dobbs wanted to share the evening he was fired. LibertyUnderFire opposes censorship and thus is sharing, from military intelligence, what the public was then forbidden to know by the censoring, globalist, establishment press. You decide! We believe Americans capable of deciding for themselves without censorship.

Mary Fanning, national intelligence researcher and author, is the voice summarizing “the election fraud, of foreign intrusion into our election… collected in real time… before, during and after the election.” She invites viewers to a screen shot of a chart with multiple columns and explains, “What you will see is documentation of foreign interference in the election. The first column…shows that on November 5, 2020, at 7:43 and 38 seconds we had a foreign intrusion, and it shows the IP address the Internet protocol address. That is the number of that protocol address of the hacker that entered into our election.”

“The second column is the owner or source of that IP address that shows that ChinaNet in Beijing Province entered the election. It shows an ID. That is a unique address of a computer that shows the exact computer using that IP source that entered into our election.

“The next is the target, that's the IP target, that's the Internet Protocol address of the target… Then the next is the target state. And in this case, it shows that it's Michigan. Where in Michigan? That's the next column, it shows that it is in Emmet County, Michigan. Then, the IP target, that is the unique address of another computer, in the United States that the hacker has gone into.

“And then, it shows the method of intrusion. Now, in some cases you're going to see that they use credentials. That means that they have fake credentials because there were administrators that have been placed on the Secretary of State's computers, false, administrators; in other cases it shows that they broke through the firewall. In some cases they did both. Now, in the next column it shows whether it was successful. You'll see a Y, that shows that yes it was successful. Now oftentimes they're not successful and they have to go back and try for another intrusion and then it shows whether that’s, in fact, successful as well.

“Then in the final column which you're seeing are votes changed. Now, in this particular case, when they went into Emmet County, Michigan, the votes that were changed was, they stole 3,477 votes from Donald Trump. That's what you're looking at….Now as you go through this document, … all the multiple intrusions into our election, what, you'll notice [is] that over 66% of the intrusions into our election came from China.

Fanning then explained, “There are thousands of pages of documented footprints, of foreign intrusion into our elections. We see this is coming from China. In many cases from Huawei, from Alibaba Cloud Service, from China Unicom, from YouCloud, from China Mobile T Tong. You know, this also came…from Iran as well. This is a foreign intrusion. This is the theft of our vote. But it also was documenting exactly the votes, the vote totals that were stolen from Donald Trump.”

This is “proof positive by cyber experts … the footprints of the foreign intrusion into our election.… This was an act of war to come in and steal the election from the American people and decide who our foreign adversaries were going to put in the White House to rule or to be the president of this country.”

Mary Fanning next provides a powerful video of an electronic map of the United States visually showing the lines of every single cyber attack as it happened in real time, mostly from China. “What you are watching is the surveillance system…that was built by people inside this country within the cybersecurity battle space…to keep this country safe…All those moving lines…represent the IP addresses of what I just showed you on the chart. So, so when you understand the hackers IP address, and the IP address of the target and the votes that were stolen, every one of those lines that you're watching move across the chart and showing whether they were successful and how many votes they stole….The red lines are all China. So what you're seeing are the actual files, being received and sent…documentation of the real time theft of our elections.… Now red has been the most severe attacks, those lines are all coming out of China. Those are the most severe attacks on our election system” (see video

Fanning continues, “It’s important to understand that … they steal the vote, at the transfer points…[when] the vote is leaving the Secretary of State's office, in these machines, that is the point at which the vote is stolen at the transfer points… proof positive” (Mary Fanning, ABSOLUTE PROOF, Mike Lindell Exposing Election Fraud, February 2021, 1:36:00-1:49:400).

Military intelligence shows no vote transferred from Biden to Trump, only millions going the other way. Even counting the dead, underaged, phantom, and illegal votes for Biden, documented by military intelligence and shared by LibertyUnderFire in early February, Biden votes did not exceed 68 million to Trump’s nearly 80 million. China elected a U.S. president.

Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Consitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit


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