Letters to the Editor

BIDEN'S UNWANTED INVASION OF ILLEGALS CONTINUES....At your tax dollar expense. Susan Rice Biden's Domestic Affairs head, takes advice from Obama's, then gives this advice to Alzheimers Joe Biden. Biden wants 8 million illegals in next four years in our country!! For you religious zealots who write me letters, if you support this, then you support human trafficking, abuse of minor children by Mexican Cartel gang members who also transport dangerous drugs into the United States. The drug cartel enter California, go up coastline, head east into Idaho, then Montana . Their illegal drugs end up on the Blackfoot, Lame Deer and Crow reservations, where it is distributed through out state. Dear religious Zealots. Your zealotry forgot one thing. Even God has a gate at Heaven, not everyone is allowed inside. Support your Attorney General Austin Knudsen and Congressman Matt Rosendale. They fight for YOU not the Mexican cartel.

Nancy Kemler



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