Letters to the Editor

For the past twelve years Central Montana Family Planning/Montana Cancer Screening Program has turned our tiny towns of Central Montana pink in hopes that this small showing by local businesses or organizations will help spread the awareness of the importance of early screening and detection of breast cancer can save lives. We have asked businesses and organizations to place our laminated window signs or banners and their own pink merchandise or other decorations in their store fronts or windows as a sign of support for the month of May. We have prepared over 150 pink ribbon bags and supplies to cover Fergus, Judith Basin, Wheatland, Petroleum and Golden Valley counties. Each pink ribbon bag is supplied with a small gift to each participant and some pink butter mints and laminated signs to place on their counters in hopes that this might make someone notice that the town has been turned Pink during May in honor of “Pink Ribbon Month”. We are asking businesses with ANY PINK RETAIL ITEMS to be displayed in their store fronts or an end-cap/counters as to help us promote this important event. At our office we have decorated our Christmas tree and our waiting room in pink ribbons and placed a banner on our window facing Boulevard. We have had over 120 hours of volunteers in our program since January working on multiple projects and this is one of our biggest investment of volunteer time getting these goodie bags and materials ready for distribution. We plan to get the materials to all six of our counties and small communities by the end of April so that they are ready for May to be turned pink.

Our program provides financial help for mammograms, clinical breast exams and pap smears at low or no cost to the women of our six counties in Central Montana. The Montana Cancer Screening Program is state-wide and our local program can make referrals for applications and help anyone get enrolled. This is a Federally funded program and certain income guidelines must be met. Our local program has other funding available to help those that don’t qualify with the assistance of local fundraising events and groups such as the Pine Toppers Bowling League, Central Montana Tough Enough to Wear Pink as well as our own Central Montana Family Planning Advisory Board’s efforts with yearly Pink Teas in October and Bingo fundraisers. Women should not put off any screening or diagnostic services due to their financial situation, our program is here to assist. Should an abnormal test result be found, funding is also available for most diagnostic testing and discounted services can be negotiated with most providers by our site coordinator.

Pink Ribbon Month provides an opportunity to discuss an important issue – breast cancer. Breast cancer can affect anyone. The good news is that with early detection and treatment of breast cancer, it is survivable. Pink Ribbon Month provides an opportunity to raise the level of dialogue in Central Montana about breast cancer. Today more people are comfortable acknowledging the disease and taking action to encourage women to get mammograms. Wearing or displaying a pink ribbon as a symbol of hope is a good way to continue the discussion. We want women to take charge of their health.

Any business or organization wishing to help us “Turn the Town Pink” can reach our office by calling 535-8811 or 1-877-421-8646. Anyone needing financial assistance for cancer screening/diagnostic services is encouraged to give us a call.


Sue Irvin Director & Health Educator, Central Montana Family Planning,

Cancer Control Specialist/Site Coordinator Montana Cancer Screening Program


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