I would like to thank all the members of the community who voted in the recent school board elections, making their voices heard, and for those willing to try to propel change. As I penned in my previous letter, I hope this Board holds those tasked with educating our youth and running this District accountable for their actions and decisions. I further hope this community and the taxpayers who fund and support this District object or applaud the judgement of those burdened with these high standards . I have publicly and privately castigated this Board, administrators, and educators for their lack of transparency, disregard for communications, and blatant indifference shown toward the parents, the students, and others who are invested in this educational platform. I will continue to highlight these inconsistencies because it is imperative for those with students in the Roundup Public Schools and others to know what is transpiring. As more political educational debates happen throughout this great land, holding those educating our youth accountable to our beliefs and values is paramount to our future.
Thank you-
Gary Van Dyke
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