I. The Trustees of School District No. 55H, Musselshell County, Roundup, Montana met for their regular board meeting on Monday, February 8, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the district office located at 12 Main Street. Trustees present included Chairperson Vandeberg, Vice-Chairperson Brewer, Snook, and Bedford (7:14 PM). Trustee Angel was not present at this meeting. Administrators in attendance were Elementary Principal Griffith, High School Principal Larson, Superintendent Sealey, and Clerk Eiselein. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the meeting was called to order at 7:01 P.M. by Chairperson Vandeberg.
Guests present were Adam Toombs, Lori Hypes, Deanna Wolff, Cindi Goffena, and Kenny Davis, and Sharon McLeod. Lindsey Harper arrived at 8:11 PM.
II. Consent Agenda
Without objection, the minutes of the regular board meeting held on January 11, 2021 were approved as written.
Without objection, Claims, Supplemental Claims, Payroll and Activities in the month of February were approved.
Without objection, the fuel bid for February was approved as follows:
Gasoline: McCleary Dist. 2.3745
Diesel: McCleary #1 2.3689
Dist. #2 2.0589
III. The order of agenda was approved without changes or amendments.
IV. No correspondence was received.
V. Public Comment
Cindi Goffena disbursed a testing schedule for the Board’s review. She stated student testing will be mandatory this year, although no one is sure how the data will be used. Sharon McLeod spoke regarding the junior high basketball teams. She mentioned the boys are having a hard time scoring, and at some point, parents from the other teams cheer for our boys if we score. She believes coaches could do a better job teaching the fundamentals needed to be successful, and asked that future coaching evaluations reflect this point.
VI. Superintendent’s Report
Deanna Wolff gave the Board an update on some recent K-6 NWEA student test scores in conjunction with the Unlocking the Reading Code reading curriculum. Discussion was held. Superintendent Sealey reported unless the Legislature changes the parameters, schools should be receiving Egrant information regarding the latest round of COVID dollars. Possible uses of these dollars could be an extended school year, HVAC project at the Jr/Sr high school, and mental health support. Discussion was held. Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to approve the use of COVID dollars the complete the HVAC project at the Jr/Sr high school. Passed 4-0 Superintendent Sealey reported the family is reviewing the scholarship application for the Memorial Scholarship. For this year, four (4) $1,500 scholarships will be awarded. The plan is for this scholarship to be renewable. Discussion was held. Superintendent Sealey presented a proposed calendar for the 2021-22 school year. If the staff would like the last day of school to be before Memorial Day, the calendar can pretty much be drafted. Discussion was held. A proposed calendar for the 2021-22 school year will be presented at the March board meeting. Superintendent Sealey reported the TEAMS report was done in November, and we will have a couple deviations, specifically in the area of foreign language. This item is informational mostly as we will receive the same accreditation as last year. Superintendent Sealey stated two checks need to be canceled, Albertsons check #51975 in the amount of $75, and James Taft check #50832 in the amount of $250. Discussion was held. Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to cancel the above-referenced checks. Passed 4-0 Superintendent Sealey stated the Board needs to decide how to invest our school dollars removed from the County. Basically, schools can invest in STIP, money market accounts, CDs, etc. A STIP resolution was presented and discussed. Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to approve the resolution and invest 2 million dollars with Montana STIP. Passed 4-0 Upon motion by Snook, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to invest $250,000 in a money market account at First Security Bank. Passed 4-0 STIFEL was also approached regarding investing a portion of the school’s money. Discussion was held. The Board asked Clerk Eiselein to invite STIFEL to our next board meeting to further discuss this matter. Superintendent Sealey disbursed a handout and discussed ACT data over the past 13 years. In reference to an earlier discussion, Superintendent Sealey further discussed using some of the COVID dollars for mental health. Both school counselors have been working to bring in some individuals to help our students. These services have become increasingly hard to provide.
Principal Larson disbursed a copy of his February Principal’s Report, and discussion was held. (copy attached)
VII. Old Business
Board Goals for 2020-21
1. Long Range Maintenance/Capital Improvement Plan (Community Center Repurpose, School Projects
2. Alternative School
3. Technology Maintenance
4. Monitor Progress of Unlocking the Reading Code Program
5. Safety Plans and Needs
6. Daycare
7. Attendance Center
VIII. New Business
None. Superintendent Sealey reported the following positions are currently being advertised for the 2021-22 school year: foreign language, athletic director, assistant football coaches, head volleyball coach, and elementary volleyball coach for the Spring 2021.
Unforeseen Personnel
Notice of Open Trustee Seat
Superintendent Sealey reported Roundup School District 55H has not had a Trustee representing the Musselshell area since May 2018. We have advertised each year for this position, but have not received any interest. Every three years, as per statute, the Trustees need to call for an election, which will be on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, at the Musselshell School and Roundup Community Library. Discussion was held.
Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to approve a trustee resolution, and the Board called for an election, which is set for May 4, 2021.
Passed 4-0
High School Spring Enrollment 2021
Superintendent Sealey reported Monday, February 1, 2021, was the second official count day of the 2020-21 school year, and this count will be averaged with the October 2020 count for budgeting purposes. Discussion was held.
9th 39 38
10th 55 54
11th 33 39
12th 40 39
Total 167 170
Bus Purchase
This item will be revisited at a later date. Superintendent Sealey and Chairperson Vandeberg were scheduled to go to Big Timber to look at a travel bus, but due to the weather/roads, the trip was attempted, then canceled. Discussion was held.
Dates to Remember
* Senior Night-Basketball, Cheer, Speech and Drama- February 12th
* District Basketball @ Huntley-February 24th-27th
* No School-February 26th
* PIR Day-No School-March 1st
* Parent Teacher Conferences-March 8th
* Regular School Board Meeting-March 8th
IX. No Executive Session
X. No Future Agenda Items
XI. Adjournment
Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered that the meeting be adjourned at 8:23 PM. Passed 4-0
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