I. The Trustees of School District No. 55H, Musselshell County, Roundup, Montana met for their regular board meeting on Monday, March 8, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office. Trustees present included Chairperson Vandeberg, Vice-Chairperson Brewer, Angel, Snook, and Bedford (7:01 PM). Administrators in attendance were Elementary Principal Griffith, High School Principal Larson (7:15 PM), Superintendent Sealey, and Clerk Eiselein. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Vandeberg.

Guests present were Adam Toombs, Izabel Bowers Koval, Tami Engstrom, Kenny Davis, Steve Knudson, Sharon McLeod, Jon Goffena, Bonnie Turner, Stacey Mihalovich, Cindi Goffena, Lindsey Harper, and Lori Hypes.

II. Consent Agenda

Without objection, the minutes of the regular board meeting held on February 8, 2021 were approved as written.

Without objection, Claims, Supplemental Claims, Payroll and Activities in the month of March were approved. Without objection, the fuel bid for March was approved as follows:

Gasoline: McCleary Dist. 2.6322

Diesel: McCleary #1 2.6756


Dist. #2 2.3756

III. The order of agenda was approved with the following change: move Evaluation and Employment of Jr/Sr High School Principal to the elementary meeting.

IV. No correspondence was received.

V. Public Comment


VI. Superintendent’s Report

Steve Knudson, Financial Advisor with STIFEL, gave the Board an informational presentation regarding investing a portion of our school dollars with STIFEL. Mr. Knudson disbursed a sample proposal of a portfolio similar to what could be done with the school’s money. Discussion was held. Superintendent Sealey reported he confirmed using COVID dollars for the HVAC project at the Jr/Sr high school. Air Controls is working off two contracts so the grant dollars and federal dollars remain separate. The Legislature is also working on how they are going to use these federal dollars for schools and Congress is currently working on a 3rd stimulus package. Superintendent Sealey stated the paperwork has been completed, and the Cody Harper Memorial Scholarship will be awarded this year. There will be up to four (4) $1,500 scholarships per year. Superintendent Sealey reported bus route #87 has changed again and is going back to the main Pronghorn Ranch, but no longer going up Graves Road. Superintendent Sealey stated Policy 1905 deals with wearing masks in schools and was adopted last August. The Board reviewed the wording regarding masks in said policy. Masks are currently being worn on all school buses. Discussion was held regarding how mask wearing is going in both the Jr/Sr high and elementary schools. Principal Larson stated some students wear masks, and some do not, and at this point, masks are not required overall. Principal Griffith reported most students are wearing masks, half voluntary and half mandatory. Some elementary teachers require masks to be worn in each classroom if social distancing is not possible. The Board decided to maintain Policy 1905 as written, and will revisit this policy next month. Superintendent Sealey stated negotiations need to be scheduled in the near future. Insurance rates for 2021-22 should arrive the first week of April. Once the rates are received, a time and date can be set. Principal Larson disbursed a copy of his March Principal’s Report, and discussion was held. (copy attached) Superintendent Sealey reported the girls’ basketball team qualified for state, and their first game is Thursday at 9:00 AM. Both principals asked staff if anyone would be going to the tournament as it is in Billings, and the consensus was most staff planned on going to the tournament. Superintendent Sealey reported we already have a tough time finding substitutes to cover classes, so he asked the Board if they would be willing to cancel school on Thursday, Friday, or both days. As this year was already marked as a COVID year regarding attendance, the students would not need to make these days up at the end of the school year. Discussion was held. Upon motion by Angel, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to cancel school on both Thursday and Friday so staff and students can attend the state basketball tournament in Billings. Passed 5-0

VII. Old Business

Board Goals for 2020-21

1. Long Range Maintenance/Capital Improvement Plan (Community Center Repurpose, School Projects

2. Alternative School

3. Technology Maintenance

4. Monitor Progress of Unlocking the Reading Code Program~Principal Griffith gave the Board an update during his principal’s report.

5. Safety Plans and Needs

6. Daycare

7. Attendance Center

VIII. New Business


Superintendent Sealey reported assistant football coaching positions have been advertised, and the administration recommends hiring Chris Bourn for one of the positions. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to offer a contract to Chris Bourn as an assistant football coach for the 2021-22 school year.

Passed 5-0

Superintendent Sealey reported a Spanish teaching position as well as an athletic director position have been advertised, and the administration hopes to have a recommendation at the April board meeting.

Unforeseen Personnel


Resolution for Permissive Levies

Superintendent Sealey reported the Board needs to approve a resolution requiring school districts to anticipate an increase in permissive levy funding for the following fiscal year. This resolution is based on Senate Bill 307. This resolution is only an estimate and the Trustees have until August to set mills for all budgeted funds. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Angel, seconded by Brewer, it was ordered to approve Resolution 201-51-202 as written with the understanding the Board has until August to make a final decision.

Passed 5-0

School Calendar

Superintendent Sealey disbursed a proposed 2021-22 calendar and reported the calendar committees in both buildings have met to set the start date, finish date, holidays, early outs, and several PIR days. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to approve the calendar for the 2021-22 school year as presented. (a copy is attached hereto)

Passed 5-0

Evaluation and Employment of Jr/Sr High School Principal

Moved to elementary agenda.

Dates to Remember

* Parent Teacher Conferences-March 8th

* State BPA-March 14th & 15th

* First Practice Spring Sports-March 15th

* Pre-ACT Test for Sophomores-March 17th

* End of 3rd Quarter-March 19th

* Kindergarten Screening-March 19th

* ACT Juniors-March 23rd

* School Play @ Community Center-March 26th-28th

* Early Out-March 31st

* Easter Break-April 1st-5th

* Regular School Board Meeting-April 12th IX.

No Executive Session

X. No Future Agenda Items

XI. Adjournment

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Angel, it was ordered that the meeting be adjourned at 8:28 PM. Passed 5-0


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