On June 18, 2021, we held our annual Appreciation dinner to recognize our amazing volunteers for their service for 2020. We were unable to hold the event last year due to COVID. 70 volunteers and guests attended the dinner.

Executive Director of Area II Agency on Aging, Marcy Brookie, started us off with a welcome speech. Where she introduced our new Director, Shirley Swanson and our Volunteer Coordinator Shelley Halvorson.

Our guest speaker, Dale Alger, shared a wonderful story of his Grandparents wedding trip form Bozeman to Musselshell in 1910.

Mike Morgan performed by singing some cowboy songs. As always, he was charming and entertaining.

The meal was catered by Cheryl Goffena. Once again, she out did herself and the meal was delicious.

Door prizes were drawn for during dinner. We would like to say a HUGE Thank You to all the businesses that donated to this event:

1st Security Bank, A&A Implement, Alley Cut, Autumn's Inn, Big Horn Signs, Coffee Corral, Electric Service Shop, Grand Bar, Picchioni's IGA, McCleary's Conoco, Michelle's Eastside Styling, Roundup Family Pharmacy, Van Dyke's Super Market

Volunteer Recognition Awards presented by Shirley Swanson, RSVP Director and Shelley Halvorson, RSVP Volunteer Coordinator.

Special Honor:

Margaret Reighard! Margaret stepped down last year as a volunteer at age 96. RSVP wanted to honor her commitment to volunteering at many places and for many organizations in Roundup. Margaret had been with RVP for 27 years and donated almost 4000 hours in her RSVP career. This beautiful lady (wearing a lovely hat, as always) received a standing ovation from everyone!!

Rising Star:

Cindy Lazzara!! Cindy has donated 203 volunteer hours in just 1 year. Cindy volunteers at the Senior Kitchen.

Dynamic Duo:

Gene and Delores DeJarlais!! The DeJarlais's have both been with RSVP for 17 years.In those 17 years, they have donated 4,379 volunteer hours combined. Delores has 2242 hours and Gene has 2136 hours.

Everyday Hero:

Cheri Tate!! Cheri donated the most volunteer hours in 2020 with a whopping 847 hours.

Most Seasoned:

Florence Wacker!! Florence is our "most seasoned" VERY ACTIVE volunteer. Florence is 98 years young and has been with RSVP for 19 years. She still volunteers every, single day at the Senior Kitchen. In her 19 years with RSVP, Florence has donated 3327 hours.

Most Experienced:

Irene Snortland!! Irene has been with RSVP for an amazing 21 years and had donated 3874 hours in those 21 years.

Covid Volunteers:

We must recognize all the volunteers that stepped forward during the COVID lock down. Our volunteers, helped the Senior Kitchen staff cook all the food and delivered for Meals on Wheels during the shutdown. The numbers of meals needed during this period was incredible. They cooked and delivered 40-100 meals every day. We wish to thank:

Andrea Durgin, Anne & Jay Newell, Anne Jetmore, Betty & Larry Ross, Bev Eislein, Bev Fryer, Bill & Norma Trent, Brenda Vescovi, Cheri & Daryl Tate, Chris Kirk, Cindy Wedlund, Deanna Harris, Deb Thomas, Dorothy McConnell, Irene Carson, Julia Sirovetz, Lisa LaLiberte, Lori Rosebush, Mary Purcell, Maty Dunn, Nancy Anderson, Natalie Hazelton, Pam & Duane Carter, Roberta & Dave Hagstrom, Rose Martin, Sharon Anderson, Sherry Stiles, Steve & Barb Crosby, Susanne Casey, Valerie Billedeaux

Senior Center Kitchen Staff:

Cheryl Goffena, Tom Hazelton

RSVP would like to thank everyone that helped us set up and take down. Special Thanks to Dana Milton, Norma Trent, Natalie Hazelton and Florence Wacker for the extra time spent on this event!!

Most of all, we want to thank our volunteers, who help make this community great and our jobs at RSVP a very rewarding experience!!!


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