Musselshell County under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions

WHEREAS: the current conditions of drying grasses and very little moisture in Musselshell County make wildfire an imminent danger, and

WHEREAS: the extreme fire conditions may persist indefinitely, and

WHEREAS: any fire situation could easily become larger than Musselshell county's resources could handle, and

WHEREAS: activity in the County forest areas increase the chance of a wildfire, and

WHEREAS: the Musselshell County Fire Warden/DES and Musselshell County Fire Council recommend Stage 1 restrictions in order to reduce the possibility of man-caused fires.

WHEREAS: pursuant to MCA 7-33-2205, the Board of Musselshell County Commissioners may, in its discretion, establish controlled burning seasons annually, during which, subject to 76-13-121, a person may not ignite or set a fire, including a slash-burning fire, land clearing fire, debris burning fire, or open fire within the county protection area on any residential or commercial property, forest, range, or cropland subject to the provisions of this part without having obtained an official written permit or permission to ignite or set fire from the recognized protection agency for that protection area.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: effective at 12:01 am on JUNE 19, 2021, the board of Musselshell County Commissioners declares Musselshell County under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions as described below and such restrictions supersedes the bum permit system, and shall remain in effect until weather conditions improve and this order is rescinded or revoked.


The Following Acts Are Prohibited Until Further Notice:

1. Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire or campfire unless as noted in the exemptions below.

2. Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.

Stage 1 Exemptions:

1. Persons with a written permit that specifically authorizes the otherwise prohibited act.

2. Persons using a device solely fueled by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels that can be turned on and off. Such devices can only be used in an area that is barren or cleared of all overhead and surrounding materials within three feet of the device.

3. Persons conducting activities in those designated areas where the activity is specifically authorized by written posted notice.

4. Any Federal, State, or local officer or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty.

5. All land within a city boundary is exempted.

6. Other exemptions unique to each agency/tribe.


You could be fined up to $5,000 individually or $10,000 for an organization and imprisoned up to 6 months for violating restrictions and closures.

You can be held liable for all suppression costs and damages if you start a fire.


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