RMH X-Ray Project Underway!

Roundup Memorial Healthcare (RMH) has begun the demolition phase of the Base DR X-Ray Acquisition Project. The 15-year-old Computed Radiography fixed x-ray system is being replaced with a new state-of-the-art Digital Radiography x-ray. The project includes the new equipment, room renovations required to house the system including new flooring, paint, and cabinets, as well as the associated costs for the required IT, emergency power, wiring, and software. This upgrade will provide our staff with a high-quality images and faster exam times, which will improve the overall patient experience.

Much gratitude going out to the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust for their $242,000 commitment, Signal Peak Community Foundation for their $75,000 contribution, Otto Bremer Trust for their $75,000 grant, and Browning Kimball Foundation for their $25,000 contribution. Without these partners, state-of-the-art improvements, like this upgrade, would not be possible.


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