Letter's to the Editor

Should you take the Covid vaccine? The big message implied by the mass media is "If you take a covid vaccine, you will be permanently safe from Covid". The fine print says "There's a small chance you might get Covid after the shot". Apart from the legal fine print and concerns about the safety of various Covid vaccines there is a larger issue about vaccines that no one is talking about. Over the long haul vaccines do not work. The reason has to do with the very essence of viruses & vaccines.

When a virus enters a human body it wants to make copies of itself. So it disguises itself as a normal protein and attaches itself to a receptor on a human cell. Inside the cell there is a mechanism that makes copies of legitimate RNA message carriers for the purpose of keeping your body alive. The virus then takes over the cell's copying mechanism and makes many copies of itself, so many that the cell finally explodes and dies. The new virus copies then go on to take over other cells in your body and pretty soon you are sick.

The concept behind a vaccine is to prime your body's natural defense mechanisms to look for specific characteristics of a virus RNA and attack that specific type of RNA, leaving your legitimate RNA messengers alone. Much like a border guard might be instructed to look for a person with a Padres baseball hat, a limp, a backpack, six feet tall and blond hair for arrest rather than all the other types of people they might see. A problem arises because the copying mechanism inside the cell doesn't always make perfect copies of the virus every time. Random changes can be introduced into the RNA code of the copies and these changes are called mutations. Most mutations are not very useful but a few will be very useful, making the virus more powerful. In short, viruses mutate and evolve over time.

The vaccine has primed your body's defenses to attack the early version of the virus rather than the mutation, so the mutation can attack you and your cells at will. In my earlier example the border guard is looking for baseball hat, limp, backpack, six feet tall and blond hair while the bad guy now has cowboy hat, no limp, a shopping cart, five feet tall, and dark hair. Bad virus guy gets through. The reason that the flu shot gets promoted every year is that the influenza virus mutates so fast that the vaccine cannot give you permanent immunity to it. It is also the reason that there has never been an HIV vaccine, HIV mutates faster than vaccines can be produced. The Covid virus may have had intellegent design in its genesis but once it got into the world it started evolving and mutating.

Dr. Fauci has been a main proponent of vaccine therapy for disease even though the concept doesn't work for all diseases or for all time. The question in my mind is why would you continue to promote an answer that is so obviously ineffective over time? The quick answer would be money, influence and power but I think it is possible that Fauci and all of medicine have been blinded to the idea that there may be answers other than vaccines to fight viruses. I'm beginning to wonder if NIH doesn't stand for "National Institutes of Health", but instead means "Not Invented Here". Proponents of vaccine technology will doubtless point to the historical success of vaccines in combating disease, but this success came against more stable viruses with a much smaller human pool to mutate in. That larger better connected pool is changing the environment that vaccines work in and might be the reason for a mutation of vaccine to virus phenonenon that is happening with the polio vaccine recently.

Science, true science, doesn't put the attitudes of one man over the effectiveness of the answer. If there are other methods of fighting viruses, that are more effective than vaccines, true science will consider them rather than giving a blanket rejection based on the predjudice of one man who controlls the grant money. Basic questions such as "What causes non-living viruses to want to replicate in the first place?" or "Why do HIV, SARS, MERS, influenza and Covid all look alike?" have yet to be asked. The evidence is that Anthony Fauci, the NIH, the media and a lot of microbiology are not asking these questions and are actively repressing the few who are asking. Inconvenient questions are often the ones that God throws in our path to make us stop worshipping men and start looking for real answers. If this means we stop following Fauci and start following God, all the better. "Following the science" should mean following the path to an answer rather than "Following the political science" to a pile of funding.

Robert Wayman



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