MAY 20, 2021

I. The Trustees of School Districts No. 55 & 55H, Musselshell County, Roundup, Montana met for a special board meeting on Thursday, May 20, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. in the District Office. Trustees present included Chairperson Vandeberg, Vice-Chairperson Brewer, Snook, and Serrano. Trustee Bedford was not present at this meeting. Administrators in attendance were Superintendent Sealey and Clerk Eiselein. High School Principal Larson and Elementary Principal Griffith were not present at this meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the meeting was called to order at 5:31 P.M. by Chairperson Vandeberg.

Guest present was Sheldon Serrano.

II. Consent Agenda None.

III. The order of agenda was approved without changes or additions.

IV. No correspondence was received.

V. Public Comment None.

VI. Superintendent’s Report None.

VII. Old Business None.

VIII. New Business


Superintendent Sealey reported elementary and alternative/special education teaching positions have been advertised, interviews conducted, and the administration recommends the following individuals as stated below for the 2021-22 school year:

Cory Rutan-6th grade elementary teacher

Caitlin Teini-first grade elementary teacher

Coleman Johnson-alternative/JH/HS special education teacher

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to offer a contract to the above-named individuals as stated above. Passed 4-0

County Transportation Committee

Superintendent Sealey reported the school district needs to appoint a representative from the school to serve on the County Transportation Committee. Discussion was held, and the Board appointed the Superintendent of Roundup Public Schools to serve on the County Transportation Committee.

Transportation Agreement-Winnett-2021-2022

This agreement allows the Winnett School District #1 to enter Roundup School District 55 & 55H from Lower Flatwillow Road onto US Hwy 87 and go south from approximately 4.5 miles, then East on State Route 244 for 1.7 miles. This agreement also allows Roundup School District 55 & 55H to enter Winnett School District #1 on Hwy US 87 and travel approximately 4.5 miles north to the intersection of Flatwillow Road and US Hwy 87. District 55 & 55H students will load and unload at this intersection in Winnett School District #1.

Upon motion by Brewer , seconded by Serrano, it was ordered that the Bus Transportation Agreement with Winnett for the 2021-22 school year be approved as stated above. Individual transportation contracts are approved separately. Passed 4-0

Transportation Agreement-Lavina-2021-2022

Superintendent Sealey reported that because Roundup does not have bus service in the Dean Creek area, Roundup has allowed Lavina School District to go into that area of School District 55 & 55H (8.6 miles) to pick up students and transport them to Lavina. An agreement needs to be approved by both Boards of Trustees for the 2021-22 school year.

Upon motion by Snook , seconded by Brewer, it was ordered that the Bus Transportation Agreement with Lavina be approved as stated above for the 2021-22 school year. Individual transportation contracts are approved separately. Passed 4-0

Transportation Agreement-Melstone-2021-2022

Superintendent Sealey reported the Musselshell District is unique in that it is annexed to Roundup for the high school and Melstone for the elementary. Both Melstone and Roundup have bus routes that run in the Musselshell District. This agreement allows Melstone Public School District 64J & H to enter the Roundup Public School District 55H to travel west to Musselshell. Melstone’s West Route 64J & H bus will travel down Hwy 310 to the county line and turn around at the Pine View Meredith Road Triangle, making stops at Fishel and Hawk Creek Roads. Students in grades 9-12 will load and unload District 64J bus within this area of District 55H.

This agreement also allows Roundup School District 55H to enter Melstone School District 64J and travel east to Musselshell for Route 9. Students in grades K-8 will load and unload District 55H bus within this area of District 64J.

Upon motion by Brewer , seconded by Serrano, it was ordered that the Bus Transportation Agreement with Melstone School District for the 2021-22 school year be approved as stated above. Individual transportation contracts are approved separately. Passed 4-0

Canvass Trustee Election

Superintendent Sealey reported the Board canvassed and certified the May 4, 2021 trustee election at the regular board May board meeting. However, the envelope containing the tally sheets, register, etc. was not opened by the Board chair, and the Board needs to compare the election judge’s tally sheets with the abstract to truly canvass and certify the election. Discussion was held, and upon inspection of the contents in the envelope, the tally sheets match the number of votes recorded on the abstract, and the election is hereby certified.

Harley Blegen 166

Cameron Charles McCleary 291

Standford C. Pisle 78

Brenda Serrano 366

Gary Van Dyke 169

Thomas M. Vandeberg 374

Future Agenda Items

Head Food Service

Superintendent Sealey reported the current head food service position may be open after the

2021-22 school year, so the school may want to be proactive and rotate those employees who are interested in applying for the head food service position through the head position to see if there is any interest prior to advertising the position.

After School Programs

Superintendent Sealey stated no after school programs were implemented this year due to COVID. For the 2021-22 school year, interest will be probed to see if these programs should be implemented in both buildings.

Courtesy Bus Stops

Superintendent Sealey reported bus drivers did not stop at the courtesy bus stops this year due to COVID. Discussion was held regarding courtesy bus stops as well as the need for a crosswalk guard on main street.

COVID dollars

Superintendent Sealey reported the ESSER II funding will be spent on the HVAC project at the JH/HS as well as on technology purchases and supplies. Discussion was held on other possible ways to spend the additional COVID dollars the school districts will receive.

Superintendent Hiring Process

Trustee Snook asked the Board to start thinking about the hiring process for a new Superintendent and how it will work, i.e. when to start advertising, who will be on the hiring committee; etc. Discussion was held.

IX. No Executive Session

X. No Future Agenda Items

XI. Adjournment

Upon motion by Snook, seconded by Brewer, it was ordered that the meeting be adjourned at 6:07 PM.


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