MHSA rules pertinent to grade eligibility will be followed at all times and apply to all extra-curricular activities for the duration of the school year. In addition, the following eligibility rules will apply for each extra-curricular activity for RHS students in grades 9-12.

High School – Grades will be checked each semester for students who wish to participate or are participating in extra-curricular activities. Any student who fails one or more classes for the semester will be ineligible until a grade check at the end of the next quarter. If all grades are passing at the end of the next quarter, the student will be eligible to resume participation.

Transfer students will use their grades at the time of enrollment to determine eligibility. A student may take an alternative course or summer class to replace a failing grade if pre-approved by the administration.

Junior High – Junior High eligibility will be checked every Monday, starting at the beginning of the season. JH Athletic Director/Athletic Director will notify the student by noon Monday if they are ineligible.

Each student that is failing a class will be placed on academic probation.

1) Academic probation means the student may practice, but may not participate in games. Students who are failing may not miss school to attend an activity until their grades are passing. Students must be passing by the end of the day Wednesday to be eligible to participate in that week’s games.

2) If extra help is necessary, the student must meet with teachers before and after school.


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