Musselshell County Road Department Meeting Minutes

Road Department Meeting

August 16, 2021

Commissioner Goffena, Commissioner Turley and Road Secretary Kenner were present. The department could qualify for the RRGL Program DNRC (Renewable Resource Grant and Loan) for the irrigation ditch at the Goffena Bridge. Stahly Engineering is willing to write and administer a Coal Board Grant for the chip & stripe on Old Divide. The Coal Board meeting for this grant will be December 9, 2021. They are continuing the hot mix repairs and will then go to cold mix repairs. Cattle guards on Harris, Harvey, Majerus, Fattig Creek, Fishel, Snowy Mountain cleaned. Blading done on Canyon, Goulding Creek, Big Wall, Airport, Golf Course, W. Parrott and N. Delphia

End of meeting.


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