In looking at our country today it seems to me that there are actually two viruses attacking America. I think they come from the same place. How do I know? Because both viruses act the same and seem to use the same method of propagation.
The first virus is of course the corona virus. Viruses (whether corona virus, zika, hiv, influenza, polio or others) are not living things. Think of viruses like you would a robot. This is an unusual robot, however, because viruses want to make copies of themselves, and they start with deception to do it. The virus disguises itself as a normal protein and attaches itself to a receptor on a human cell. Inside the cell there is a mechanism that makes copies of legitimate RNA message carriers for the purpose of keeping your body alive. The virus somehow knows this so the virus breaches the cell wall and goes inside the cell. The virus then takes over the cell's copying mechanism and makes many copies of itself, so many that the cell finally explodes and dies. The new virus copies then go on to take over other cells in your body and pretty soon you are sick.
The second virus is that of totalitarianism. It goes by many names (Marxism, Socialism, Islam, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Woke, Public Health and others) and it is not alive. Totalitarianism is an idea, an idea that leads to one set of rules for the masses and another set of rules for the elite rulers. "Misery for thee but not for me." Totalitarianism also wants to make copies of itself, and it starts with deception to do it. It disguises itself as a belief that simply wants to help people, to create justice and equality for all. A utopia of fair dealing. Inside universities there is a mechanism for making copies of legitimate beliefs and knowledge for the purpose of keeping the country vibrant, prosperous and alive. Totalitarianism knows this, so it gets itself inside the university and takes over the role of a teacher, in order to make copies of itself. One Marxist making lots of little Marxists for example. Universities have been at this a while so the little totalitarianists have grown up and entered other institutions of importance: Healthcare, the Media, Government, the Church, K-12 education, Corporations and more recently the Military. America is now feeling poorly. Universities have yet to explode from making totalitarianists but they are acting a little weird. For example, The University of Wisconsin spent $50,000 to move off campus a boulder that had acquired a bad name. N-head rock is now gone and while the rock hadn't done anything to deserve the name, it made people feel better to see it gone.
Frankly, I don't think the emergence of these two viruses at the same time is coincidental. They are working in concert to attack Christ, and what he stands for, in various ways. Separate yourselves, wear a mask so you can't see another person's smile, get the endless series of shots, may I see your vax papers please? Don't observe Easter, defund the mean police, be less white, give up your guns, government can provide you with universal healthcare, universal income, universal housing, universal safety. Worship the spirit of the man in charge and your life will be utopia. These viruses are trying to supplant our faith in an unseen Christ with a faith in a physical group of human beings.
What's the fix? Call the doctor of course. Not the physical people in white coats, but the great physician in the white robe. I don't see any other way out. These two viruses have become so pervasive and powerful that only a risen Jesus can accomplish the extreme actions needed to save what's left of this republic and the concept that was The United States of America. Pray that Jesus will save us from ourselves. Or else bend the knee to a way of thinking that says: "They're chanting 'Death to America' but they seem friendly".
Robert Wayman
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