There is an Orwellian statement that says ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it’. This is a statement that has proven its veracity in the times we find ourselves in. Here is a truth; the entire democrat party and a handful of RINO republicans have turned their backs on this country in favor of their own greed and hunger for power and wealth. They are aligned with Communist/Marxist leanings. They and the useful idiots they employ attempt to silence their opposition through accusatory hypocrisy. In other words, they accuse others of what they are guilty of as they engage in every form of perversion and debauchery.
We have as a president an imbecile and at the very least there is factual, reasonable suspicion, if not probable cause, to believe he was elected through mass fraud. Because of his unprecedented Executive Actions, we have gone from a vibrant economy with energy independence, bringing manufacturing back
to the United States, and secure borders to begging OPEC for oil, lacking the capability to provide basic goods to our people, and a border that is not only completely open but is frustrated by government complicity. Our wealth and our security have greatly suffered to say nothing of freedoms being lost.
The situation at our southern border with tens if not hundreds of thousands of unvetted illegal aliens being let into our country and then transported and housed by our government is criminal. I mean that literally. Congress makes laws and the laws they have passed are being broken to accomplish this. The agency that is supposed to be tasked with protecting and defending the border has been usurped and is instead facilitating this invasion. This is not a theoretical assessment. I was a Border Patrol Agent for 22 years.
The cowardice and incompetence by this administration and the politically appointed generals tasked with the withdrawal from Afghanistan is beyond comprehension. The betrayal of the many Americans and allies who have served their country in this 20 year war is staggering. They have unhesitatingly volunteered and heeded the call of their country. Many have died in the undertaking and exponentially more have lost limbs or suffered traumatic brain injuries. The American Warrior is the finest in the world. I do not speak from a frivolous understanding of the situation. My two sons heeded this call with no less than 15 combat deployments between them. They are both Bronze Star recipients with Valor for actions in combat.
We have anarchy in our streets and months long, violent sieges against government and police buildings in democrat controlled areas. Portland and Seattle for example. These same city and state ‘officials’ call for defunding the police while aggressively pursuing those forced to defend themselves and their property from the violence. We have groups created and supported by these same democrat politicos whose sole purpose is to create race hatred within our population. This even goes as far as being accepted and taught in public education through programs like Critical Race Theory.
Here is another truth; we cannot fix this by ourselves. We need the help and miraculous intervention of Almighty God who is both Creator and Savior. Our country and our laws were founded on Christian principles. The choice is ours, we can either humble ourselves before God and refuse to be silenced by the accusatory hypocrites or continue in this downward spiral to a point of no return.
Jerry Scott
Roundup, MT
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