Letters to the Editor

"If we are to better the future we must disturb the present" Catherine Booth, co-founder of the Salvation Army

This December, lights are strung glistening in the cold winter air, with cheery decorations adorning yards and homes waiting for the magical moment a jolly plump man appears bringing Christmas cheer. During the holiday season people are giving- of their kindness, smiles, and monetary and gift donations. Last year, according to a "Giving USA Foundation" report, a record $471 billion was donated in the US, with the median donation amount being $850. In a 2018 poll, the Salvation Army ranked second for being the most popular non-profit, and one of "Americas Favorite Charities", according the their website. Further research shows the universal Christian Church charity, established by William and Catherine Booth in 1865, spends 84.0% of donation income on their programs. The famous "Red Kettle" organization recently fueled questions and anger when they published their guidance pamphlet, titled "Let's Talk About Racism", in which the organizations guide propelled their followers and supporters to "lament, repent and apologize for biases or racist ideologies held and actions committed", and ignited more conversations about the nationwide racial divide and opponents of the critical race theory mantra. The organization later recalled their guide amid growing pressure from loyal donators and media outlets, but fell short in apologizing for their views and words, instead writing "We have done our best to provide accurate information, but unfortunately, some have chosen to ignore these efforts". It is projected by some the charity will lose significant donations because of their guide and words, with millions of dollars at stake, affecting many individuals whom the charity assists. Other corporations have faced scrutiny after they proclaimed social justice disparities ideas or alluded to them, most notably the Coca-Cola Company. As this joyful holiday season continues, it helps donors to understand where their hard earned money goes and how it supports the causes they feel passionate about. Supporting an organization that aligns with the donors beliefs is also significantly important. Many websites can offer guidance towards the true financial output of donations. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas.

Gary Van Dyke

Roundup, MT


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