The Chronicle’s 12/31 editorial slamming Montana’s Republican legislature for representing the voters who sent them, was a perfect example of the hypocrisy and elitism of the far-left. Shame on these legislators, says the Chronicle, for passing bills their constituents want, but the unions and left-wing radicals object to – “forcing” these groups to file lawsuits that negate the legislative process.
What this editorial was telling us is that democracy only works if you're promoting liberal and socialist ideas. When democratically-elected lawmakers pass conservative ideas, that protect individual rights and limit the power of government, democracy fails! The voters who elected these lawmakers didn’t know what they were doing, and their ballots must be overturned with big-money lawyers and lawsuits.
Lawsuits against the right to self-defense and the right to bear arms. Lawsuits against medical freedom of choice. Lawsuits against parental rights. Lawsuits against fair and free elections. Lawsuits against saving innocent life. Lawsuits funded by rich out-of-staters and country club newcomers, confident that our ultra-liberal state supreme court will back them up.
The other way leftists block the will of the people is through veto-happy Democratic governors. In the 16 years of Schweitzer and Bullock alone, well over 400 popular GOP bills were killed by veto. I can still recall Schweitzer’s ridiculing publicity stunt with the branding iron. The Chronicle would have a fit if a GOP governor treated Democratic bills that way – shocked and appalled by the disrespect shown to hard-working, well-meaning legislators of the other party! But to the left, there are always two standards for everything, based entirely on politics, never on principle.
We need to understand that it really isn't conservative lawmakers these leftists oppose. It’s the people themselves, to whom they feel morally and intellectually superior, and believe they have a royal right to overrule.
The Republican legislators and governor are doing exactly what the people who elected them asked for. If the Chronicle and the rest of the liberal elite don't like that, quit whining and get your own people elected to office. That's the way the system works, folks.
Roger Koopman
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