Letters to the Editor

On January 7, 2022, Biden gave a press briefing and a miserable economy report, which many call,"Fairy tale" lies. U.S. economist use a key metric system that shows results of any Presidential administration, and this one is bad news for Biden. This metric system measures economic misery which is made up of the percentage of unemployed plus percentage of inflation rate. Before Joe Biden took office, our growth as a nation was climbing and so were the lower wages of many Americans in introductory level jobs. If Biden would have continued the Donald Trump economy plan, he would be declared a hero today instead of a bumpkin who cannot even talk correctly. Between now and the year 2025, more inflation and also unemployment. And to make matters worse, the Asian trade market will export inflation to us as well. The Asians will take advantage of our weakness during the Biden years. It is up to our Federal Reserve to insure monetary stability and fix the inflation surge. But our Federal Reserve has a reputation for being "late" to fix our financial problems. Our Federal Reserve will continue to print out money that has no real value. This will also add to our inflation cost using up more of your tax dollars. Americans traditionally vote with their wallets instead of ideology. With our nation's growth at a almost stand still,Biden will find this out in 2024 at the polls.

Nancy Kemler



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