Letters to the Editor

Joe Biden is writing checks without checking our national budget. Apparently he sees no reason for a budget. After all, the Chinese have paid his bills and bought all his houses. He hasn't any worries. The sad thing is these checks are not made out to the American people. He just signed a $30 million dollar check in the name of "Equity" to help Crackheads buy pipes and crack and methamphetamine drugs. This is of course what the state of California has wanted all along. He also is releasing between 100,000 to 200,000 illegals who jumped our southern border from nations across the globe into the city of Houston, Texas and Baltimore, Maryland. He decided to use ankle bracelets [monitors] to keep track of these invaders who are destroying our country. These monitors cost between $175 to $200 a piece. And must be re-charged every 40 hours! Who is paying for this? YOU that is who! Did you as Democrats vote for these things? Yes, you did because Biden said he was going to do this all when he ran before the 2020 election. Pay attention to what these political thugs say. Just imagine what a fraction of this $30 million could do for Roundup, Montana. Many improvements could be made here, that would improve all our lives. Once again, 2022 is a primary election year and also when we vote for new Congressional members, a new House speaker and Senate officials. Are you paying attention to what these organized political crime members are doing now, so you can vote the right way in November?

Nancy Kemler



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