The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) announced that Joe C King & Sons Ranch in Winnett, Mont., was selected as one of seven regional winners of the Environmental Stewardship Award Program (ESAP). The ranch was recognized during the 2022 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show in Houston, Texas, on Feb. 1.
Established in 1991, ESAP identifies outstanding land stewards in the cattle industry. The regional winners will compete for the national award, which will be presented during NCBA’s Summer Business Meeting in Reno, Nevada, July 25-28, 2022.
“Cattlemen and women across the country are essential to conserving natural resources,” said NCBA President Jerry Bohn. “This year’s regional winners epitomize stewardship efforts, and they shine a light on the work our industry is doing to protect and preserve land and water for future generations.”
The King family operates with the belief that their area of Montana is best left as native range where cattle, wildlife and the landscape can live in harmony with each other and act as a mutually beneficial system. For the last 50 years, continuously improving grazing management has been a fundamental key in the ranch’s sustainability efforts. Under the ranch’s rest-rotation grazing system, vegetation and soils are allowed to recover, providing habitat for wildlife and improved plant and soil health; providing forage for emergency use during years of drought and offering opportunities to implement long-term rangeland improvement practices during rest periods.
“The King family’s goals are built upon adapting to the unique local conditions and environment, while assessing the health of the land, water and forage, to make sound business decisions,” said Jay Bodner, executive vice president of the Montana Stockgrowers Association. “Their improvements allow the ranch to withstand difficult conditions and flourish in favorable ones.”
2021 Environmental Stewardship Award Program Regional Winners:
Region I - EZ Acres, LLC, Homer, N.Y.
Region II - Vaughn Farms, Forsyth, Ga.
Region III - Robbins Land & Cattle, Scranton, Iowa
Region IV - Dry Creek Ranch, San Angelo, Texas
Region V - Joe C King & Sons Ranch, Winnett, Mont.
Region VI - JY Ferry & Son, Inc., Corinne, Utah
Region VII - Blair Brothers Angus Ranch, Vale, S.D.
“We attribute significant improvements in our range quality to our rotational grazing system,” said Chris King. “We also recognize the importance of monitoring the range and soil to prove our management practices are worthwhile on the financial end and beneficial to the land.”
ESAP is generously sponsored by companies and federal agencies who share the cattle industry’s commitment to caring for the environment and protecting natural resources. Sponsors including Corteva Agriscience, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, McDonald’s, an effort to promote environmental stewardship throughout the beef supply chain. For more information, visit
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