"The Most Secure Election in History," Falling Apart

The presidential election of 2020 was “The Most Secure Election in History” headlined many newspapers in November 2020. If this was so why did 56% not believe this in early October 2021 and only 44% did, just eleven months from the election (“Biden 2020 Win ‘Tainted,’ 56% Say it was a Cheaters Paradise,” Washington Examiner)? And why do election anomalies regarding it keep surfacing despite it being the most censored election in U.S history causing confidence in its results to tumble even more with every month? Let us review by state the new data bubbling up since this Rasmussen Poll. Election fraud is pouring out even from non-battleground states like New Mexico. Delaware, Texas, even New Jersey.

Arizona. Most believe a coming election decertification wave will begin with Arizona. The state is probably waiting to move until other states find the same anomalies in their elections. No one wants to be first and alone. Nothing has come forth to disprove the original forensic audit. Donald Trump won Arizona. Arizona DA Mark Brnovich, is now running for the U.S. Senate on an election integrity platform. Republicans won’t vote for him if he does nothing on the evidence of election fraud. Thus far his silence does not mean inaction.

Georgia. The corruption saga has been with Georgia since November 3, 2020, but broke wide open last November when The Georgia Record discovered and reported that 74 Georgia counties could not produce the original, 20/20 election ballot images required by federal and state retention law that they must keep for at least 22 months (USC 5220 701 OCVA 21273)—56 counties admit images not now available. This means that at least 17,000 ballots, (votes) have disappeared and this is more than the margin of error in the Biden ‘win’ (“Breaking: Georgia Can’t Produce Over 17k 2020 Election Ballot Images Required by law, More than Margin of Error in Biden ‘win,’” November 9, 2021).

Last month two election anomalies, ballot harvesting and drop box stuffing, broke through. First ballot harvesting, “After a year’s worth of research and analysis True the Vote submitted three official complaints to the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office regarding occurrences in the 2020 General and 2021 run off elections. True the Vote is issuing their ballot harvesting evidence for five additional states, as well” (Ep. 2670B. Jan. 7, 2022, X22 Reports, 42:20).

Then second, drop box issues: stuffing, signatures, improperly completed forms, time traveling ballots and other anomalies. One person admits to making $45,000 for stuffing ballot boxes from 2:00-5:00 AM. He was one of 242 ballot traffickers identified; possibility of hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots counted in Georgia. (Ep. 2669B, X22 Reports, Jan. 5, 2022).“Ballots in Georgia were picked up from drop boxes in Democrat Rockdale County on Nov. 4, AFTER the election. It’s illegal to pick up ballots after 7 p..m. on Election Day.” There were 355,000 missing ballots transfer forms and 186,000 plus ballot transfer forms improperly or illegally completed (Ep. 2686B—Change the Narrative, X22 Reports, Jan. 25 2022, 39:00).

Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Constitution is very clear respecting election law “a person must vote in person on Election Day”—this by amendment since 1836 which can only be changed by a new amendment voted in by the people, exceptions are limited (“Pennsylvania court strikes down state’s mail voting law as unconstitutional.” The Hill, Jan. 28, 2022). This voids almost all mail-in-ballots and its accompanying corruption, but gives Trump the state. Democrats and RINO’s are contesting the judicial ruling. Outside attempting to ignore long-standing existing law, the state is focused upon the inspection of Dominion machines which was scheduled for December but delayed to January. Still, a forensic audit is planned for other election anomalies.

Wisconsin. The need for a much closer look at election fraud in Wisconsin in the 2020 election could not be dispelled, especially after the release of “‘Explosive’ Revelations in Wisconsin’s 2020 Election Audit Report,” by Bill Osmulski, The Maciver Institute, Oct. 22, 2021. In this the Legislative Audit Bureau proved a number of anomalies of very serious concern.

Expecting some level of criminality the state next appointed as special council Michael Gableman, a former State Supreme Court Justice, who has, thus far this year, issued “70 subpoenas to state entities and employees, special interest groups, private companies, mayoral staffers and IT departments, throughout Wisconsin to obtain records, depositions and more information on the election process and organizations that seem to have had a hand in the administration of elections.” Subpoenaed include Dominion Voting System and the electronic and software machines used in the election (“Breaking Exclusive: Election Fraud Investigators Blanket State with Surprise Subpoenas,” By Abby Liebing, December 31, 2021).

Even while this story was breaking yet another surfaced during a Wisconsin Election Integrity Hearing the biggest being, according to Liz Harrington, “there are 119,283 ‘active voters’ in WI who have been registered for over 100 years, 569,277 voters have 1/1/1918 registration date, amounting to 1 out of every 14 voters in the system, 115,252 of them voted in November 2020.” In addition to the dead voting, the “Wisconsin Election Commission Voter ID database has 145,000 duplicate voter registrations.” Harrington adds, It’s a data base “designed to be impossible to audit.” And is “a voting system where nobody can see what [they’re] doing” with “no audit trail of who did what and when they did it” (“Bombshell Voter Fraud Information Surfaces From Wisconsin,” Jacob Palmieri, January 21, 2022).

Election fraud is now coming out as a flood. Only those willfully ignorant, don’t care, or are accomplices to it, can now deny it. Column limitations allow only a brief summary of what has been revealed since the Rasmussen Poll when only 56% believed fraud was involved in the Biden “win.” We know that percentage is much higher today.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit http://www.LibertyUnderFire.org.


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