Western Ranch Supply's Future Generation Youth of the Month

In January, Western Ranch Supply selected their first Future Generation Youth of the Month. Awarded to Hayley Stahl from Winnett, MT. Hayley is an outstanding leader in her community and is always ready to lend a helping hand. Hayley has organized a toy drive for The Operation Shoe box, that sends shoe boxes full of toys around the world to kids before Christmas that might not receive a gift during the holidays.

Not only is Hayley stepping up and making a difference in her community and world, but she also has been a voice for students in her school. Winnett currently does not have a FFA program. Hayley has campaigned in her school and at board meetings to attempt getting this program implemented into their curriculum for agriculture education. Although FFA has yet to be implemented into Winnett’s extra curricular’s, Hayley has persevered by joining AG Ambassadors. The AG Ambassador competition has competitors prepare speeches, record a timed radio spot, social media, and do an interview in front of a panel of judges. Outside of AG Ambassadors Hayley has signed up individually to compete in livestock judging at the NILE.

When Hayley isn’t out campaigning and changing the world, you can find her out with her show cattle. She is not a stranger to being up at the crack of dawn to do her chores before going to school or helping on the family ranch. “Whether it is driving the grain cart or feeding cows in the winter. I know that agriculture is where my passion and my future lay.” To further her passion in agriculture she plans on attending Sheridan College, to attain a degree in Agriculture Business. After attending college, she plans on having her own working farm just like those in her family have before her.

Western Ranch Supply is proud to announce a well deserving young lady as our first, Future Generation Youth of the Month. Western Ranch Supply wants to help Hayley continue her dream in agriculture by gifting her $500.00 to help her succeed. It is Western Ranch Supply’s privilege to help young agriculturalist who will be the next generation leaders in agriculture. If you know a well deserving youth like Hayley please send in your nominations.

Western Ranch Supply was incorporated in 1954. Ray Frank and Tom Warsinske became partners in 1957. Western Ranch Supply was an established steel building distributor; however, owners Tom and Ray were quick to note opportunities in farm store merchandising. It has been Western Ranch Supply’s mission since then to provide the best farm and ranch supplies for their customers at competitive pricing. Western Ranch Supply is now currently owned by Keith Robinson, Rob Erickson, and Shayne Vandivort, with three locations in Montana along with delivery services in Montana, Wyoming, and Western North Dakota.

For more information, visit WesternRanchSupply.com or contact us at [email protected].


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