Musselshell County Commission Minutes

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Pancratz were present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

County Agent Solf met with the Commissioners on Wednesday February 16, 2022 because she would not be able to attend the Friday February 18, 2022 meeting. The next Fair Board meeting will be April 19, 2022 at 5:30. Commissioner Goffena and Commissioner Turley mentioned that they had talked to Kennie Minnie who used to be on the Fair Board and suggested he be at the next meeting to give examples of what they used to do for the board. Mr. Minnie will be invited to the meeting. There is a BIG need for Fair Board members to help with attraction for our beautiful fair grounds. The Community Foundation is going to have a Harvest Festival in September. They are going to have a Tree Board educational workshop soon. The topics will be proper planting, grooming and health assessment. The Musselshell Valley Community Foundation received a $2,000.00 grant for entertainment for the Roundup Market on Main.

Sheriff Lesnik met with the Commissioners. County Attorney Peterson did not attend the meeting. The Commissioners are writing a letter of Congratulations to Janice Blackmore and Kim Fisher for receiving 100% in the FBI 2021 Montana FBI NICS Audit. The department received the new patrol car that was ordered last year. They will be doing an active shooter training the end of June or the first week of July. A new K-9 officer has been chosen.

There was a conference call from Alisha Oellermann with the Department of Commerce to go over more ARPA funds with the Minimum Allocation Grant Program, that there is $510,000.00 available for Musselshell County. Funds must be for sewer water projects, the deadline for applying in January 1, 2023, committed by December 31, 2024 and wrapped up by December 31, 2026. Match can be paid with other ARPA money. They can go online to get the list of qualifying projects.

Monty Sealey with the Montana Regional Water Authority met with the Commissioners with an update of the water project. There will be a Meeting in Melstone March 16, 2022.

DES Director Russell and Coordinator Rook gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. State DES Director Jeff Gates was also present. Mr. Russell has been working on and completed the 1st part of the Homeland Security Grant. There have been many letters of support received for the grant. There was 1 fire last week due to the wind that started up from a previous burn pile. The BLM informed them that they would be burning slash piles on their land. There were 2 addresses assigned last week. Mr. Gates explained to the Commissioners about any 2 Mill Levy emergency money. All money will go into the 2260 emergency fund and can ONLY be used for emergency related costs. There are 14 active COVID cases in Musselshell County to date.

Treasure Hetrick and CFO Kirk met with the Commissioners to discuss a resolution for funds to receive interest.

Public Comment on several Budget Amendments to be signed by resolution on February 25.

There was no public comment.

Public comment 3:00 business.

Theresa Doumit was present and gave an update on the Roundup Community Partners Welcome Center. Ms. Doumit gave the Commissioners a printout of the Project Budget.

End of public comment.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign the letters to the Senior Advisory Committee asking for support for the Musselshell County DES Application for the West Repeater, East Repeater Site Hardening and Interoperability Upgrade and a Multi-Jurisdiction Mobile Command Trailer and UTV under the FY 2022 State Homeland Security Program Grant. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.

David Seitz and Jamie Larson with Seitz Insurance/Montana State Fund Workers Compensation through MACO met with the Commissioners to introduce themselves. Musselshell County had a 3% loss ratio this year with only 4 minor claims. Mr. Seitz said Ron Manderfeld, our Safety Coordinator, is one of the best in the State. The Commissioners signed a ERM6 Form for Musselshell County.

There being no further business Commissioner Turley made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena and Commissioner Turley did the seconded run of claims for the month of February that totaled $143,581.43.


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