Every day we hear news briefs about Ukraine, shortages of food and supplies and most of all, illegal immigartion into our nation. In 1944, Title 42 a very important bill saved our country from illegal immigartion and diseases that these may carry into our homeland. Title 42 has been a great border security tool for Americans. The Biden administration has gutted this security bill by allowing unaccompanied minors and families into the United States. U.S. Border patrol tells us that as many as 170,000 illegal aliens are stopped along the southern border, each month. Because of the Biden open border policy, about 80,000 of these aliens are allowed into the United States.Of course you as a tax payer pay for their food, medical needs and transportation to ANY place in U.S.A. they want to live! The Biden administration now wants to LIFT Title 42. If this happens we will lose our sovereignty and security. Residents living along southern border tell stories of homes, garages and vehicles being broken into. Illegal aliens are robbing Americans of all they own from hard work in their own country. Defend your homeland citizens or lose it to corrupt politicians and illegal aliens. Contact our state Attorney General, Austin Knudsen. Who is fighting for a closed border and our sovereignty.
Nancy Kemler
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