April 29, 2022
Department Head Meeting
Present were: Commissioner Goffena, Commissioner Turley, Commissioner Pancratz, Clerk & Recorder Tomassi, Treasurer Hetrick, CFO Kirk, Sheriff Lesnik, County Agent Solf and Ambulance Director Solberg.
Secretary Hagstrom read the Road Department report.
The footing for the new equipment building have been poured and the foundation walls are in progress. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the newly opened/replaced Farrel Bridge the end of May or beginning of June. They applied and were awarded a grant from the Coal Board to chip seal and stripe Old Divide Road and only chip seal #4 Road. This will ensure approximately 20 years of preservation for these 2 heavily travels roads. The total project is $424,820.39. The MDT and TSEP project for Goffena Bridge replacement is moving forward. Coordination of the Floodplain Administrator, MDT and Stahly Engineering is in the works. They are improving Goffena Road to meet the bridge upon completion. The well project is moving forward and they hope to have it completed pre-fire season. They have graveled approximately 1.5 miles if East Parrot Creek Road and will Continue with it once spring road maintenance is complete.
Clerk & Recorder Tomassi reported that her office is doing elections. May 3rd is the School Trustee Election and June 7th is the Primary Election. Judges are needed for Musselshell.
County Agent Solf reported that the fair grounds events are picking up. She is working on 4H deadlines. May 17, 2022 is the next Fair board Meeting. Ms. Solf is going to be having a grasshopper control and an agriculture pest series May 31 from 8:30 to noon for prairie dogs, blister beetles and alfalfa weevils.
Treasurer Hetrick reported that there may be 4 Tax Deeds taken in May. Mobile home taxes are coming in.
CFO Kirk reported that DES Director Russell did the ARPA reports last week and they were accepted. She wants the Department Heads to get their “wish lists” together for budgets. There are some budgets amendments that need done.
Sheriff Lesnik reported that Deputy Manning and K9 are on their way back from training in Pennsylvania. They are getting a new breathalyzer system. Zerker goes live Monday.
Ambulance Director Solberg reported that the South repeater sight is almost up but the roads from the rain are not passable.
Commissioners all are very happy with “Team Musselshell” and the progress that has been made.
End of meeting.
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