Roundup School Board Meeting Minutes



A work session was held at 6:30 PM to review the numerous MTSBA policy updates on the regular April board agenda. Trustees present were Chairperson Vandeberg, Vice-Chairperson Brewer, and Serrano. Also present were Principal Larson, Adam Toombs, Tom Cliff, Superintendent Sealey, and Clerk Eiselein.

I. The Trustees of School District No. 55H, Musselshell County, Roundup, Montana met for their regular board meeting on Monday, April 11, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office. Trustees present included Chairperson Vandeberg, Vice-Chairperson Brewer, Snook (telephonically), and Serrano. Trustee Bedford was not present at this meeting. Administrators in attendance were High School Principal Larson, Elementary Principal Griffith, Superintendent Sealey, and Clerk Eiselein. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Vandeberg.

Guests present were Adam Toombs, Tom Cliff, Kenzie Serrano, Kenny Davis, Alicia Godfrey, Stacey Mihalovich, Sharon McLeod, and Angie Mozqueda.

II. Consent Agenda

Without objection, the minutes of the regular board meeting held on March 14, 2022 were approved as written.

Without objection, Claims, Supplemental Claims, Payroll and Activities in the month of April were approved.

McCleary Distributing did not submit an April fuel bid for review and approval.

III. The order of agenda was approved without changes or amendments.

IV. No correspondence was received.

V. Public Comment

Alicia Godfrey reminded the Board she is the school district’s Homeless Liaison for students. Mrs. Godfrey applied for and received a grant ($9,438) that will be disseminated through Egrants, and asked the Board if anyone would like to serve on an advisory board? The advisory board will meet once or twice per year. Sharon McLeod asked Mrs. Godfrey what she plans to do with the grant? Mrs. Godfrey responded with setting up procedures and policies for the homeless as well as provide supplies-i.e clothes, gas vouchers, shoes, etc. Discussion was held.

Gary Van Dyke submitted a letter that was read aloud verbatim by Chairperson Vandeberg.

VI. Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Sealey reported paperwork for change of ownership of the district office heating system was filed with the DEQ in June 2020. We were just informed a month ago that we needed to have an inspection of the tank and monitoring system. Repairing the system will cost around $6,000-$7,000. Superintendent Sealey also reported he has been in contact with two companies to replace the current heating system with a propane system and is currently awaiting bids. Discussion was held.

Superintendent Sealey reported the high school solar project should begin toward the end of July. The company has moved the solar array to the library roof as they think it will work better. Discussion was held.

Superintendent Sealey stated the carpet needs to be replaced at the high school in the high school community library and Room 21. Bids have been received from Rich’s Modern Flooring ($49,777) and Pierce Flooring ($42,393). Both bids include new luxury plank vinyl in the library and rooms adjacent, counselor’s office, junior high dean’s office, & Room 21. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to approve the Pierce Flooring bid as written. Chairperson Vandeberg asked if the community library board would consider helping pay for some the cost? Discussion was held.



Superintendent Sealey reported the Board needs to decide if they would like to purchase five (5) lots south of the football field. This item was briefly discussed at the March board meeting. Superintendent Sealey stated the owner would prefer a cash offer. Discussion was held, and the Board would like to move forward with this purchase.

Superintendent Sealey reported at the last Board meeting, Commissioner Turley gave the school contact information for an individual to possibly help the school obtain school housing. Superintendent Sealey stated he visited with the individual from last month, but she would only help secure a loan, not help with housing itself.

Superintendent Sealey stated we have received signed contracts from both Josiah and Angela Mayfield for the 2022-23 school year. Superintendent Sealey reported he will run an article outlining a short bio for each one and will plan to have a meet and greet for a couple hours towards the end of June when they both move to Roundup. Discussion was held.

Superintendent Sealey reported Student Attendance Agreements for Delvin and David Gairrett need to be approved as both students reside in our school district but attend a facility in Billings.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to approve the above-referenced Student Attendance Agreement. Roundup Schools will receive a bill for tuition in June 2022. Passed 4-0

Superintendent Sealey reported McCleary’s did not submit an April fuel bid and doesn’t plan to submit one in the foreseeable future. Superintendent Sealey asked the Board how they would like to proceed?

Principal Larson reviewed his April Principal’s report, and discussion was held. Kenzie Serrano gave the Board a summary of FFA State at Miles City and the State Convention at Bozeman.

VII. Old Business

Board Goals for 2021-22

1. Community Center-Pool Area, Wrestling Facility, Daycare

2. Technology Needs and Upgrades

3. Unlocking the Reading Code

4. Safety Plans and Needs

5. Attendance Center (Colony School)

6. School Housing

VIII. New Business


Certified Staff Recommendations for Employment – High School 2022-2023

Superintendent Sealey gave recommendations listed below for renewal contracts with School District 55H for the 2022-23 school year. All certified staff has been informed, in writing, as to date, time and place when the recommendations(s) (would) (will) be made. As per statute, 2-3-203(1), (2) and (3), Montana Code Annotated (MCA), the agenda item will be held in open meeting except”... if the presiding officer of any meeting may close the meeting during the time the discussion relates to a matter of individual privacy and then if and only if the presiding officer determines that the demands of individual privacy clearly exceed the merits of public disclosure. The right of individual privacy may be waived by the individual about whom the discussion pertains and, in that event, the meeting must be open.” Chairperson Vandeberg did not go into executive session.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered that the following contracts, on recommendation of the superintendent and assisted by the building principal, for the certified staff for the 2022-23 school year be awarded.

Roundup High School


Teacher Years in System

Bourn, Christian 3

Christiaens, Abby 6

Cliff, Jennifer 1

Cliff, Jordan 1

Cliff, Thomas 2

Cummings, Tannar 5

Eiselein, Dan 10

Roundup School Board Meeting Minutes

DeMers, Wendy 2

Johnson, Coleman 1

Jones, Amy 8

Larson, Sandra 3

Lemmel, Susanna 5

Lesnik, Heidi 17

McNamara, Donna 7

Ochoa, Ramon 4

Schaff, Natalie 24

Stepper, Marc 13

Unterseher, Peggy 16

Larson, Jason (Social Worker) 1



Extra-curricular Activity Coaches

Superintendent Sealey stated that the next agenda item would be re-employment of extra-curricular coaches for the 2022-23 school year. Years of Coach Activity Experience

Griffith, Rick Head Boys’ Basketball 24

Rutan, Ed Asst. Boys’ Basketball 23

Jones, Amy Co-Head Speech & Drama 14

Mihalovich, Stacey Co-Head Speech & Drama 9

Bilden, Carolyn Head Cheer 10

Barth, Cislee Asst. Cheer 3

Cliff, Jordan Head Wrestling 1

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered that contracts be awarded upon recommendation of the athletic director as stated above.



Note: Spring activity coaches/advisors, namely golf and track, will be considered for employment at the stated meeting in June 2022.

Co-Curricular Activity Advisors

Superintendent Sealey stated that the next agenda item would be re-employment of co-curricular advisors for the 2022-23 school year.

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Brewer, it was ordered that the following co-curricular contracts, on recommendation of the athletic director, be awarded. Years of

Advisor Activity Experience

Schaff, Natalie BPA 24

DeMers, Wendy FCCLA 2

Stahl, Kody Vocal & Ensemble 2

Unterseher, Peggy National Honor Society 10

Ochoa, Ramon Instrumental & Ensemble 4

Vocal & Ensemble 0

Potter, Lori Special Olympic 11

Jones, Amy Head Drama/Play 14

Smith, Sam Asst. Drama/Play 5

Eiselein, Dan HS Student Council 4

Cummings, Tannar Science Olympiad 5

Lesnik, Heidi Science Olympiad 5

Cummings, Tannar Close-Up 3

Jones, Amy Yearbook 4



Unforeseen Personnel

Superintendent Sealey reported an English teacher interview was scheduled for last Friday, but she cancelled, so this position is still being advertised.

Superintendent Sealey reported the following substitute needs to be approved pending fingerprints: Devonte Woods.

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Brewer, it was ordered to approve the above-referenced substitute, pending fingerprints. Passed 4-0


Superintendent Sealey reported negotiations between the RSEA and the District have concluded, and the following proposals have been T.A.’d by both the RSEA and the District and are awaiting approval from the RSEA and the Board:



All employees in the FS4 “Head Position” and bus drivers will be paid $1.00 per hour above their current salary for the responsibility of the position.



Effective for the 2022-23 school year, a current employee who has completed (5) five years of continuous service to the District is eligible for a $.05 increase on their hourly salary at the beginning of the (6) sixth year of service.

Effective for the 2022-23 school year, a current employee who has completed (10) ten years of continuous service to the District is eligible for a $.10 increase on their hourly salary at the beginning of the (11) eleventh year of service.

Effective for the 2022-23 school year, a current employee who has completed (15) fifteen years of service to the District is eligible for a $.15 increase on their hourly salary at the beginning of the (16) sixteenth year of service.

Effective for the 2022-23 school year, a current employee who has completed (20) twenty years of continuous service to the District is eligible for a $.20 increase on their hourly salary at the beginning of the (21) twenty-first year of service.

Effective for the 2022-23 school year, a current employee who has completed (25) twenty-five years of continuous service to the District is eligible for a $.25 increase on their hourly salary at the beginning of the (26) twenty-sixth year of service.

Example: An employee with less than (5) five years of service as of this contract date could receive (5) five increases if employed by the District for at least 26 years of continuous service.



$.40 increase on the base to bring the starting RS1 to $12.30

Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Brewer, it was ordered to approve the above-referenced proposals. RSEA Negotations for the 2022-23 school year have concluded.

Passed 4-0

Policy Updates

Superintendent Sealey reported the Montana School Board Association has prepared updated for nineteen (19) policies and three (3) forms. Included for the agenda item are the required policies with the recommended updates. Policies to be updated are 1520, 2161P, 2167, 2168, 2170, 2312, 2510, 3121, 3305, 3310, 3310P, 3413F1, 3413F2, 3416, 3612, 3612F, 3612P, 5121, 5223, 5228P, 5314, 5321, 5450, 5450F, 5460F, 5450P, 7625, 8300, 8502. All policies were reviewed during the work session held earlier this evening.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to approve the above-referenced policies, and incorporate said updates in the policy book. Passed 4-0

Dates to Remember


Trade Show -April 23rd @ High School

* Midterm 4th Quarter-April 25th

* BP

A Nationals-May 4th-8th

* State Music Festival-May 6th & 7th

* Divisional Golf-May 9th

* Regular School Board Meeting-May 9th

IX. No Executive Session

X. No Future Agenda Items

XI. Adjournment

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered that the meeting be adjourned at 7:41 PM. Passed 4-0


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