Governor Gianforte Announces over $3 Million in AmeriCorps Grants to Benefit Montana Organizations

Governor Greg Gianforte announced today that Montana has received $3,198,413 in funding from AmeriCorps.

The total funding amount is granted to the Montana Commission on Community Service, the Governor-appointed state service commission, which in turn will award the grants to nonprofit organizations and public agencies across the state.

“From promoting our treasured natural resources and outdoor economy to creating greater opportunity for more Montanans, our AmeriCorps members get things done,” said Governor Gianforte. “Their dedicated service strengthens the fabric of our communities all across our state and helps more Montanans thrive.”

The 2022 AmeriCorps competitive grants will provide $2,415,303 to Montana to support 150 AmeriCorps members who will be deployed into service across the state by five sponsoring organizations.

Later this summer, $783,110 in funding will be provided to the Montana Commission on Community Service to support AmeriCorps planning grants and additional AmeriCorps members to Montana.

The following Montana organizations were successful in receiving grant funding through the 2022 AmeriCorps competitive cycle:

Big Sky Watershed Corps, Montana Conservation Corps, Inc., $862,592, 46 members: The Big Sky Watershed Corps engages members to make measurable contributions in environmental stewardship of America's headwaters in the northern Rocky Mountains and improve at-risk ecosystems critical to the health of Montana's communities.

Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Montana State Parks AmeriCorps, $434,808, 24 members: AmeriCorps members promote healthy, active and environmentally aware communities by improving the condition of state park lands, enriching education, building volunteer capacity, and strengthening community outreach through service in state parks across Montana.

Montana Legal Services Association, Justice for Montanans Project, $561,522, 26 members: AmeriCorps members serve as navigators of the justice system to help income eligible Montanans find the legal information and resources needed to resolve legal problems. Members recruit and support volunteers who serve to increase access to justice.

Montana Campus Compact AmeriCorps, $556,381, 54 members: AmeriCorps members provide college access and success services to first generation college students and youth across Montana. AmeriCorps members leverage 250 community volunteers to engage in National Days of Service and college access programming.

AmeriCorps will make available $775,048.55 in Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards for AmeriCorps members funded by these grants. After successfully completing a full term of service, AmeriCorps members receive an Ed Award up to $6,495 that they can use to pay for college or to pay off qualified student loans.

In Montana, more than 10,000 AmeriCorps members have served more than 11 million hours and have qualified for Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards totaling more than $26.4 million since 1994. In August 2019, AmeriCorps announced that Montana ranked sixth in the nation in producing AmeriCorps members.

Across the country, AmeriCorps engages more than 250,000 AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors in service annually to serve with nonprofit, faith-based, and community organizations at more than 40,000 communities. These members help communities tackle pressing problems while mobilizing millions of volunteers.

AmeriCorps is a federal agency that engages more than five million Americans in service through AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, and the Volunteer Generation Fund. For more information, visit

The Governor’s Office of Community Service expands and promotes National Service and community volunteerism in Montana. Visit


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