Liberty and the Constitution Forum is this week!

The speaker will be Scott Bradley who holds a PhD in Constitutional Law. Bradley is a husband, father and grandfather. In addition to that, he keeps busy traveling across the United States speaking and teaching about the US Constitution.

It has taken more than a year to get Roundup, Montana, on Bradley's calendar to speak. This week is our turn!

Bradley has a solid list of work and accomplishments, including strategic planning, and a leadership assignment responsible for delivery of secured communications for the U.S. Department of Defense (North American Air Defense Command—NORAD).

His presentation is non-denominational and non-partisan.

The community is invited, free of charge. Come to the Roundup City Park (by the stage) this Friday, June 24th, at 7:00 pm and learn more about the Constitution, and how it applies today to you and me. Be there at 6:45 to hear Sabra Mack sing of patriotism in her beautiful style! Some bleacher seating is available or bring your own chairs or blanket to sit on.


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