Winnett Senior News - Flatwillow News


The April meeting for Flatwillow Homemakers was canceled due to the snowy weather and icy roads. We will do a combined meeting in May and take care of April and May business.

Flatwillow Homemakers met on May 10 at the Yellowstone Valley Co-Op Community Room in Huntley. Sandy was the hostess and we all brought potluck to go with her chicken and rice. There were nine members present and four absent today. There were no birthdays in April, and Raye Anne was the only one who had a birthday in May. Those that drove to Huntley to enjoy socializing and the Homemakers was Linda Gershmel, Luann Knutson, Babs Lea, Raye Anne Lund, Ginger Moore, Lillian Moore, Kim Tarplee, and Melody Whitcher. We missed Bonnie Moore, Donna Lund, Arlene Bond, and Jean Cook. This was our last meeting of the year before the summer break. Sandy led the pledge. Roll call was answered with gardening tips. We all had different tips that we have found works for us. One tip mentioned that I hadn’t heard was add ½ cup of Epsom Salt to your fertilizer when you fertilize your lawns.

The Yellowstone County Extension agent wasn’t able to make the meeting, but she left handouts for Sandy to pass out to everyone. They are all informative and gave lots of gardening tips for any garden whether you want a vegetable garden, herb garden, flower garden.

The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved as presented. The treasurer’s report was approved as presented. There were two thank you cards sent to Homemakers from Donna Lund, and Marlene Samuels. Donna thanked Homemakers for the beautiful bouquet of flowers sent to her while in the hospital and Marlene thanked the Homemakers for the memorial donation to Roundup Senior Center in the memory of her mother Florence Wacker. There was no blind pig today.

Election of Officers was decided. Raye Anne said she would take over the secretary/treasurer position since Donna is no longer able to be with us. Ginger motioned; Babs seconded to nominate Raye Anne as secretary. Motion passed. Melody motioned; Ginger seconded to leave all officers the same for the 2022-23 year. Motion passed unanimously. Sandy – President, Luann – Vice President, Ginger – Scrapbook and pictures, and Raye Anne – Secretary/Treasurer and reporter.

Secret sister gifts were handed out. We will reveal our secret sisters and draw for new ones at our September meeting. The September meeting will be held September 13. After discussion, we might have our September meeting in Huntley again at the Yellowstone Valley Electric Co-Op Community Room. We will let everyone know for sure when it has been decided where we will have it. There will be secret sister revealing, we will fill out our booklets, dues will be paid, and there will be opportunity table. It will be a busy meeting plus enjoying catching up on all the news of what we did and where we went during our summer break.

Graduation was held at the Winnett High School gym on Sunday, May 15. There were seven seniors who graduated, Walker Doman, Cy Nunn, Kambri Sandman, Regan Skinner, Hayley Stahl, Emily Benes and Erika Benes. Congratulations to all and best of luck as you move on to your next adventure in life.

The second annual Ram Booster Bash was held on May 7 at Flatwillow Hall. There was a delicious steak dinner, BYOB, and a number of nice items for the auction. It was a lot of fun and raised a nice amount of money for the Booster Club to help support our students in their activities. Thank you to all the Booster club members who worked hard at organizing the Ram Bash, decorating the Hall and clean up afterward.

The color cancer relay of life walk was held in Winnett on June 4 in the school gym. A supper was available and there was a nice little program in memory of loved ones who are no longer with us and to honor the survivors of cancer. Kim Tarplee decorated luminaries for anyone who wanted one. There was a raffle for a pork bundle, and a Winnett quilt. Tina Rayburn won the pork bundle, and Tom Tiarks won the quilt. Congratulations and thank you for Kim and her husband plus anyone else who helped to organize this. It was very moving to see the number of luminaries and all who showed up to walk in memory of, to honor, and to support all who are fighting the cancer battle.

Swimming lessons should be starting the week after the 4th of July in Winnett. I haven’t seen any posters yet, but that is usually when they begin.

We have been receiving nice rain showers in May and June. I think we’ve received more rain these two months than we received all of last year. The ground is still soaking it up, there is not much runoff to fill reservoirs, but we are so pretty and green. Last year by this time we had already had a couple of weeks of 100-degree weather and no rain to go with it. The grass and hay grounds are looking good.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who have been impacted by historical flooding in the western part of the state as well as Carbon and Stillwater Counties, and Yellowstone Park. We all need moisture to survive but it would be much better if it were controlled and not so destructive. As I am typing this, the rain is pouring down outside. We have puddles in our yard. Prayers that all who need it are receiving this beautiful moisture.

See you next time.



May 5 - Thirty-two seniors plus seven take-out meals enjoyed pulled pork taco soup, cookie salad, relish tray, crescent rolls, and ice cream cones.

Deb Stahl, a former Winnett resident was a guest today. She was visiting this area and stopped in to see everyone. Betty Bevis was also a guest. Dellie’s granddaughter, Jennifer Wilson from Oklahoma came with Dellie. Welcome to all of you.

The 50/50 for $12 was won by Betty. Congratulations!

The senior board members met after the meal to ad on a new rent proposal for when we move to the PCCC. After dishes were done, and clean-up finished, cards were played.

May 12 - Today’s menu was ham, company potatoes, frog eye salad, relish tray, and poke cake. There were twenty-five members and eight take-out meals.

Updates were given on Donna Lund, and Jack Barisich. The color cancer celebration walk will be in Winnett on June 4 at 5pm. It will be at the city park, weather permitting. If it is raining, it will be moved to the school gym. Kim has tickets for several raffles. You can buy tickets for a pork bundle, two quilts, and a Chico Hot Springs get away. She also has luminaries for $5 apiece or 6 for $25. See her after the meeting if you would like to purchase a luminary and have her decorate it for you. There will also be a meal of sloppy joes, chips, drink for $5 and root beer floats. See you there.

Luann had an opportunity to tour the PCCC building as it is beginning to take shape. She saw the Wesley Room, which will be the new senior citizen room and says it is bigger and better than she expected. We can tour as a group next Thursday between 1:00-2:00. Anyone who is interested is invited to join the tour.

Please let Shauna know how appreciative we all are for the work she did in the hospitality room for the card players. She cleaned it and arranged the furniture after the water line broke and flooded that area. It is so clean, inviting, and beautiful. Thank you, Shauna! Sharon Martin won the 50/50 for $9. Congratulations. There will be a quick board meeting after the meal. After all the chores were finished, cards were played.

May 19 - Thirty-three seniors and seven take-out orders enjoyed a lunch of goulash, 7-layer salad, fresh fruit, and bar cookies. Thank you to our cooks for doing such a wonderful job on preparing delicious meals for our senior group.

There will be a foot clinic on May 23 in the rec room of the apartments. Please let Linda know if you would like an appointment and she will schedule you in. Updates were given on Donna L., Jack B., and David Iverson.

Joan Murphy was a special guest today. Whenever she comes to Winnett from Billings, she always stops in at seniors. She gave an update on Gunda Lewis. She is doing very well. We were also informed that Mildred Swanson (Carl Peterson’s friend) and Diane Wacker’s mother passed away. Our sympathy goes out to her family and friends.

Color Cancer Relay for Life walk will be on June 4 at the city park. We will be cleaning the Winnett cemetery on Tuesday, May 23rd at 2:00. Everyone is invited to join in. Bring your lawn mowers, weed eaters, rakes, whatever you have that you can use and join us for an afternoon of cleaning and visiting.

Bingo is done for the summer. We will resume playing bingo in the fall. It is every other Sunday afternoon at 1:30.

Area II was here today. Murray Lou is now our contact person for Area II. Vicki who had been here needed to be a full time caregiver for her husband and did not feel she could give the senior groups throughout her area the service they deserved. Murray Lou handed out a pamphlet and talked about “Age My Way – Older Americans month.” Anyone coming up on age 65 has a 7-month window for enrollment in a program to offer respite for caregivers who need a break. If you participate in SNAP or have any concerns, please give Area II a call.

Babs won the 50/50 for $12.50. Congratulations Babs. Cards were enjoyed after dishes and chores were done.

May 26 - I wasn’t here today and have not had a chance to see if anyone took notes.


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