The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced it is awarding $197 million for 41 locally led conservation projects through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). RCPP is a partner-driven program that leverages partner resources to advance innovative projects that address climate change, enhance water quality, and address other critical challenges on agricultural land.
“Our partners are experts in their fields and understand the challenges in their own backyards,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said. “Through RCPP we can tap into that knowledge, in partnership with producers and USDA, to come up with lasting solutions to the challenges that farmers, ranchers, and landowners face. We’re looking forward to seeing the results of public-private partnership at its best, made possible through these RCPP investments.”
The projects funded today are awarded under two different RCPP funding opportunities: RCPP Classic and RCPP Alternative Funding Arrangements (AFA). RCPP Classic projects are implemented using NRCS contracts and easements with producers, landowners and communities, in collaboration with project partners. Through RCPP AFA, partners have more flexibility in working directly with agricultural producers to support the development of new conservation structures and approaches that would not otherwise be available under RCPP Classic.
As part of each project, partners offer value-added contributions to amplify the impact of RCPP funding in an amount equal to or greater than the NRCS investment.
Private landowners can apply to participate in an RCPP project in their region through awarded partners or at their local USDA service center.
First authorized in the 2014 Farm Bill, RCPP has leveraged partner contributions of more than $1 for every $1 invested by USDA, resulting in nearly $3 billion collectively invested in natural resource conservation on private lands. Since inception, RCPP has made 589 awards involving over 3,000 partner organizations. Currently there are 401 active projects, with at least one active project in every state and area. Successful RCPP projects provide innovative conservation solutions, leverage partner contributions and offer impactful and measurable outcomes.
For more information about RCPP, visit the NRCS website.
Life From Soil: The Ranching Sustainability and Viability Planning Network
Lead Partner: World Wildlife Fund
Total Partner Contribution Amount: $2,867,143
Project Summary
The goal of the Life from Soil project is to improve the ecological function of over 500,000 acres of grasslands in Montana, Nebraska and South Dakota by 2027. Participating
ranchers will enroll in World Wildlife Fund’s Ranch Systems and Viability Planning Network (which already has under 420,000 acres enrolled in the Northern Great Plains), which creates a support system for ranchers interested in making ecological improvements and enhancing the financial sustainability of their operations. Participating ranchers agree to zero conversion of their grasslands for ten years, as well as developing and implementing a written grazing management plan; completing trainings on grazing management, monitoring, and other topics; and participating in on-ranch ecological monitoring. These changes will produce a variety of benefits for ranches supported through the project, including improved soil health and water filtration, increased habitat for wildlife, reduced emissions through carbon storage and sequestration, improved financial sustainability, and stronger social networks among ranchers.
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