Roundup Public School Board Minutes



I The Trustees of School District No. 55 & 55H, Musselshell County, Roundup, Montana met for a special board meeting on Monday, June 29, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the District Office. Trustees present included Chairperson Vandeberg, Vice-Chairperson Brewer, Snook, Serrano, and Bedford (7:04 PM). Also present were High School Principal Larson, Superintendent Sealey, and Clerk Eiselein. Elementary Principal Griffith was not present at this meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Vandeberg.

Guests present were Kenny Davis, Trish Christensen, Tom Cliff, Carolyn Bilden, Angie Mozqueda, Pat Perrella, Hank Blegen, Phoebe Goffena, Joy Main, Stacey Mihalovich, Sharon McLeod, Jim Webber, Cislee Barth, Deserea Toombs, and Darcie Hetrick.

II Superintendent’s Report

Tom Cliff reported he has been meeting with a select number of students this past year regarding what they can do to combat declining enrollment in sports and activities, as well as how to reach out and be more community minded with our young students. Each student introduced themselves to the Board. Various perceived problems were discussed throughout the year, and the students informed the Board of the goals of this program.

III New Business


Superintendent Sealey reported we have advertised for a head and assistant cheer positions, and the administration recommends offering both Jessica Olinger and Cislee Barth contracts for the 2022-23 school year as follows:

Jessica Olinger-Head Cheer Fall Season/Assistant Cheer Winter Season

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to offer Jessica Olinger a contract as referenced above for the 2022-23 school year.

Passed 5-0

Cislee Barth-Assistant Cheer Fall Season/Head Cheer Winter Season

Upon motion by Snook, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to offer Cislee Barth a contract as referenced above for the 2022-23 school year.

Passed 5-0

Employ Spring Activity Coaches-High School

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered that the employment of Spring activity coaches-high school for the 2022-23 season be approved as follows:

Golf Ed Rutan, Head

Passed 5-0

Superintendent Sealey stated the Board needs to re-hire Tom Cliff and Tim Schaff as stated below for the 2022-23 school year:

Tom Cliff-Athletic Director

Tim Schaff-Elem/JH Athletic Director

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Brewer, it was ordered to offer contracts to Tom Cliff and Tim Schaff as stated above for the 2022-23 school year.

Passed 5-0

Student Handbooks-Jr/Sr High and Elem

Principal Griffith outlined changes made to the elementary student handbook for the 2022-23 school year.

Upon motion by Snook , seconded by Bedford , it was ordered to adopt and approve the elementary student handbook as written for the 2022-23 school year. A final copy is attached hereto.

Passed 5-0

Principal Larson reminded the Board of the proposed change to the high school handbook referenced in the regular June meeting as well as additional proposed changes. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Snook , seconded by Serrano , it was ordered to approve and adopt the high school student handbook as written for the 2022-23 school year. A final copy is attached hereto.

Passed 5-0

Return to School 2022-23 and 1900 Policies

Superintendent Sealey reported MTSBA has tweaked our current policies to cover a lot of the information that is in the current 1900 policies, so the 1900 policies are technically not necessary. Superintendent Sealey proposed the Board remove the 1900 policies once our COVID dollars are spent. Superintendent Sealey also suggested removing Policy 1910F1 and 1910F2 as we have an MOU in place with our unions to govern employee COVID leave.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Bedford, is was ordered remove 1910F1 and 1910F2 from our policy book.

Passed 5-0

Heating/Cooling System District Office

Superintendent Sealey stated he received two bids to switch the heating/cooling system at the district office to propane. At this point, propane will be cheaper and more efficient. Last Best Heating & Air Conditioning bid $50,950 and Air Controls bid $49,250 to switch the heating/cooling system from fuel oil to propane. Air Control’s bid is over 30 days old, so it may not be accurate. Building fund dollars can be used to pay for this project. These bids do not include removing the underground fuel tank. If the Board decides to keep the fuel oil tank, it needs about $9,000 in updates to bring it up to code. Discussion was held. Both companies would do a good job, it just depends on who could do the project in a timely manner. Discussion was held regarding whether we could use COVID dollars for this. Josiah Mayfield will look into this.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to approve this project. The motion is contingent upon and awarded to whichever company can schedule and complete the project as soon as possible.

Passed 5-0

Activity Accounts-Jr/Sr High School and Elem

Superintendent Sealey reported the administration recommends moving both the elementary and high school activity accounts to the district office. Logistics will be finalized as needed. Both buildings will still receipt student dollars, but will then forward all receipts and dollars to the district office for processing. All checks will be prepared at the district office. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to move both elementary and high school activity accounts to the district office.

Passed 5-0

Administrative Salaries 2022-23

Superintendent Sealey stated the average increase in salary for both certified and classified staff is 3%. Superintendent Sealey recommended the Board consider implementing an administrative longevity incentive. Tim Schaff is currently in his last year of the certified retirement incentive, and Principal Larson is in his second year of the administrative retirement incentive. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Snook, seconded by Bedford , it was ordered to implement a 3% raise and a new administrative longevity incentive for the 2022-23 school year. Discussion was held. The Board decided to divide the above motion and only vote on the 3% raise in this motion.

Passed 5-0

Upon motion by Bedford, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to implement an administrative longevity incentive to commence for the 2022-23 school year. This incentive will remain in place until the Board changes it.

Passed 5-0

Deanna Wolff and Tim Schaff’s salaries follow the certified salary schedule.

Policy 7405

Superintendent Sealey reported Policy 7405 outlines procurement card (p-card) use in the school district. A list of all current p-cards was discussed and reviewed by the Board. Discussion was held. This is the first reading.

Year-End Funds

Superintendent Sealey reported the Board needs to decide what to do with the year-end monies. Discussion was held.

Fund 101~transfer remaining balance in fund 101 to fund 282

Fund 201~transfer remaining balance in fund 201 to fund 282

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to approve the transfer of funds as referenced above.

Passed 5-0


County Transportation Committee

Superintendent Sealey reported the Board needs to appoint a representative to sit on the county transportation committee. Customarily, this is filled by the Superintendent, but since Superintendent Sealey is retiring, the Board needs to appoint someone. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to keep the Superintendent as the transportation committee school representative.

Passed 5-0

Student Attendance Agreement

Superintendent Sealey reported the following students live in our school district but choose to attend school in different school district:

Student Grade Somers, Ryker 4th

Somers, Everett 6th

Moyers, Mikayla 8th

Lane, Hunter 1st

Lane, Avery 7th

Labs, Dalton 4th

Labs, Savannah 11th

Hanson, Rylan 4th

Hanson, Ian 8th

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to approve the student attendance agreements for the above-referenced students with the understanding Roundup will not pay for student transportation.

Passed 5-0

Land Purchase

Superintendent Sealey stated the Board discussed purchasing land owned by Shawn Klinger that is adjacent to the school. Shawn met with Superintendent Sealey this week, and he is asking $10,000 total for the five lots.

Continued discussion was held.

Upon motion by Snook, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to purchase the land adjacent to the school owned by Shawn Klinger for $10,000.

Passed 5-0

Correspondence received was a thank you from Jackie Vandeberg.

Chairperson Vandeberg thanked Superintendent Sealey for everything he has done for the school. It has been an honor to work for and with him.

IV No Executive Session

V No Future Agenda Items

VI Adjournment

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Snook, it was ordered that the meeting be adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Passed 5-0


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